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Internet Explorer 8 Add-On WEB-Challenge

The Internet Explorer 8 Add-On WEB-Challenge calls for Swiss students to come up with innovative ideas for web slices and accelerators that break new ground in the presentation of online information. All you have to do is:

1. Design add-ons (web slices or accelerators)

2. Submit your entry and

3. Keep your fingers crossed!

All those, who submit an entry by 31 January 2010 will receive a thank-you pack containing 2 x 4GB Memory Sticks from Disk2Go and will also participate in the draw for the main prize: a travel voucher worth CHF 3,000.00, for an unforgettable surfing holiday in Hawaii, for example!

*Travel voucher for 3000 CHF

So get cracking and join in – online at: (English quick link).

Good luck in the Challenge,

Sanna Kuusisto, Academic Audience Manager, Microsoft Switzerland