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App of the Week - KahnAcademy

I have studied for most of my life. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes less but I think this experience has given me a thirst for knowledge in life in general. I found an interesting resource to refresh or even learn new things a few weeks back, namely the Khan Academy Windows 8 App. Be it for subjects such as Math or Science or for Finance or Humanities, Kahn Academy has great video resources that help you learn what you want or need for your work.

You can even sign in with your Facebook account and share what you are currently learning. They offer the possibility of downloading the video tutorials but also just watching them in streaming. A small dashboard on the last screen of the application gives you details on how many videos you have downloaded, how many are pending and how much space they are occupying on your disk. They also offer a handy feature that lets you download all the videos of a category that you want to focus on.


From my experience the speed is quite good both when you are watching videos in streaming or you are downloading them. With the help of Windows 8 capabilities, this app can be complemented with One Note such that you can take your own notes while listening to the different Videos.


Check the app out here. I think it's a pretty nifty tool. Do you have any other platforms you usually use? What do you think about this one?


Andreia David

Lead MSP Ticino


The App of the Week blog category is an initiative of your local Microsoft Student Partners in Switzerland. Feel free to contact us, send us your proposals for an App of the Week or drop some lines below if you want to share ideas, feedback or just want to comment.