Writing a book
I see that Steve has let the cat of the bag - we (that is Steve, Alan, Gareth and myself) are writing a book on DSL Tools.
Let us know if there are particular topics you'd like to see covered.
We'll try and blog about some of the content as we write it.
- Anonymous
November 06, 2005
Great news! I would like to see and Appendix or something like that explaining how one could use VSIP and/or other VS.NET extensibility stuff to empower DSL Tools applications.
-- AFurtado - Anonymous
November 10, 2005
Yes - we hope to get a bit of that in, on code customizing a designer. - Anonymous
December 17, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
December 27, 2005
Best practices in defining DSL's seems like the next big issue. Not only is defining DSL's a new thing for all-but-a-few of us, the definition also needs to bear in mind the scenario (or: the DSL application domain) and the fact that the DSL very likely will need to evolve over time. How do you make sure you're off to a good start? Some interesting work on this topic I found on: http://www.evgenyrahman.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl - Anonymous
January 14, 2007
Last week I went back to the V1 of the Dsl Tools , and re-did the tutorials. Much simpler than the beta