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April 30, 2009
After installing, my existing connections with Exchange mailboxes no longer worked. I uninstalled SP2, and still had problems. I then uninstalled the base Office 2007, and reinstalled it, and got Exchange mailbox connections working again. I then went through the SP2 installation again, trying to carefully monitor what was happening, and had the same problems, and had to back out the same tedious way.Anonymous
April 30, 2009
You'll get much better help if you say what the actual problem is. "no longer worked" could mean so many things. Are you using an API? Getting an error?Anonymous
May 03, 2009
@ warren: don't you receive new mails in cached exchange mode anymore? MS described that problem in the article, use outlook.exe /cleanipsAnonymous
May 05, 2009
To simplify the problem report, using Office 2007 SP1, I had many Exchange server mailboxes configured via various profiles via the Mail Control Panel applet. After installing SP2, I can no longer connect to any of those mailboxes, even after trying to redefine them, and/or remove and/or create profiles.Anonymous
May 05, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 05, 2009
Unfortunately, I forget the exact message out of the Mail Profile Control Panel applet, but OutLook provides the following dialog contents: The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action. The problem happened both in cached and non-cached modes. Thank you.Anonymous
May 08, 2009
Being a glutton for punishment, I went through the Office 2007 SP2 installation again, to see if I could better pinpoint some combination of data files and/or DLLs that were causing the problem, but I still could not get it to work with the pre-existent Exchange Connection in the Mail applet. When trying to redo the Check Name, I still get the "The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action" error (which is the same error when trying to go at it with OutLook 2007 SP2). The one thing I forgot to do is check which MAPI error our app is returning when SP2 is installed. The other thing I wanted to test was the new sp uninstaller that MS has provided. When I previously tested SP2, I tried uninstalling it using the standard Programs and Features Control Panel applet, but that was not sufficient to clear the problem, so I had to remove the base Office 2007 and install it from scratch. At some point after that I noted that MS had provided an app called OARPMAN (see and This fortunately really did seem to uninstall it fully, so I did not have to go through the total uninstall/reinstall of Office 2007. In spite of a number of other complaints in the blogging community, I still have not seen any acknowledgement from MS that there is a problem.Anonymous
May 08, 2009
BTW, this is going against an Exchange 2003 server, in case that makes a difference in anybody's analysis.Anonymous
May 08, 2009
Warren - try this:
May 12, 2009
Thanks you. But this does not seem to help our situation. I still cannot change an existing profile via the Mail applet that worked before installing SP2, and I cannot create a new profile to access the same server/mailbox. Similarly, ffter installing SP2, our app which is using MAPI, fails to connect and gets an MAPI_E_NETWORK error. Various customers of ours are reporting similar problems. The only work around so far has been to uninstall SP2.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
Warren - I would strongly urge you to open a case on this so we can investigate it.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
We just discovered a hotfix from 4/30/09 (article 968858). The hotfix notes were misleading, because it said that SP1 had to be installed, but going to the actual download link for it indicated it applied to sp2, and the dll list had newer stuff than sp2 installed, so we took a chance on it, and it resolved all remaining problems.Anonymous
May 12, 2009
Yes - you "discovered" the hotfix I was pointing you to - 969519 described the problem and said 968858 was the fix.Anonymous
May 13, 2009
Thank you. When I printed 969519 (right after I saw your response), the paragraph about the hotfix was not in the article yet. Instead, all it had was: "To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods." No mention of the hotfix. Somebody obviously added the reference to the hotfix later.Anonymous
May 13, 2009
Sorry - but the link was in the article when I posted the link. Anyway - you've got the fix now and that's what matters.