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Unable to Install Security Patch 948109 to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition which is Installed along with ACT7 software

The ACT7 software installs sql server 2005 express edition along with the installation of ACT7 software. When we try to apply the latest security patch 948109 released by Microsoft for SQL server 2005, the installation may fail.

In order to find the cause of the installation we need to look into the setup bootstrap logs located by default in the folder c:\program files\microsoft sql server \90\setup bootstrap\log\hotfix\

When we check the summary.txt we may find the following error reported,

Product Installation Status

Product : SQL Server Database Services 2005 (ACT7)

Product Version (Previous): 3042

Product Version (Final) :

Status : Failure

Log File : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\SQL9_Hotfix_KB948109_sqlrun_sql.msp.log

SQL Express Features :

Error Number : 29533

Error Description : MSP Error: 29533 Service 'TEST-PC\ACT7' could not be stopped. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to stop system services. The error code is (16386)


Product : SQL Server Tools and Workstation Components 2005

Product Version (Previous): 3068

Product Version (Final) :

Status : Not Selected

Log File :

SQL Express Features :

Error Description :



When ACT7 software is installed on the system and the sql server instance is used by ACT7 software, it deletes all the Windows logins (for security reasons) including the BUILTIN\Administrator account for that instance of the sql server instance, generally the instance name is ACT7.

During the installation of the security patch 948109 the setup.exe tries to login to the sql server using the credential of the windows user with which we are trying to install the security patch. However it will not be able to login to the sql server since there is windows login for the user with which it will try to login.

Also it is difficult to enter in the sql server instance as the sql user ‘sa’ password are not known to the end users and there is no means by which we can enter into the sql server instance.




So to resolve this we need to add the Windows login account as a sql server login with which we are installing the security patch.

So to add the windows login as sql server login for the SQL server 2005 express edition instance ACT7 which is installed alongwith ACT7 we can use the following procedure

Stop the SQL server service and start the SQL server from command line as shown


C:\program files\microsoft sql server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\Sqlservr.exe -s ACT7 -m -c

we then need to login into the sql server using sqlcmd using the following commands

sqlcmd -S <computer-name>\ACT7 -E

Create login [<Windows user name>] from windows

E.g. Create login [TEST-PC\SAM] from Windows

grant sysadmin to windows login just created above

Sp_addsrvrolemember ‘SAM-PC\SAM,’sysadmin’


Stop the SQL server from command line and start the SQL server service again.

You can then start the installation of service pack or hotfix and it should work.

Note: ACT7 software tries to delete the windows login periodically and the login which we just created above might get deleted in say 15 mins so need to make sure the installation is started immediately after adding the login.






Parikshit Savjani

SE, Microsoft SQL Server


  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2008
    Thanks for the great walkthrough, this fixed the exact problem I was having, but the error in the summary.txt was Exit Code 11016.  Figured it was something specific to ACT, and I really appreciate the info, spent 3 hours trolling other message boards and trying possible fixes, but this is the one that did it for me! Thanks again!

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2008
    Another possible workaround is to locate the Group which has the necessary rights to access the ACT7 Instance. It is something like MQLServer2005MSSQLUser$[i]DOMAIN_OR_PC_NAME[/i]$ACT7. Just add the current user to this group, restart to have the changes take effect and you can install the patch without having to touch the commandline. Plus (or drawback) You can now access the Instance via Management Studio.