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Error 29527 while installing security patch 948109 on SQL Server 2005

While installing security patch KB 948109 on the sql server 2005, the installation of the patch may fail. In order to find the cause of the failure we need to look into the setup bootstrap logs which are located in the following location

C:\Progarm Files\Microsoft Sql Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\Summary.txt

One of the cause of the failure can be Error 29527 which is reported in the summary.txt as shown

Following error reported in the sumary.txt

· **********************************************************************************

· Product Installation Status

· Product : SQL Server Database Services 2005 (ACT7)

· Product Version (Previous): 3042

· Product Version (Final) :

· Status : In Progress

· Log File : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\SQL9_Hotfix_KB948109_sqlrun_sql.msp.log

· SQL Express Features :

· Error Number : 29527




The issue is caused due to improper installation of support files as there may be missing files and dll's in the 90 folder located in

c:\program files\Microsoft sql server\90



We need to install a new instance of the sql server of the same edition and same built on the same system on which the original instance which need to be patched lies (i.e with required Service pack ) side by side which populates the 90 folder with correct files and dll's.

Alternatively, we can also reinstall the support files by running the SqlSupport.msi file located in the media for sql server 2005 setup.

The SqlSupport.msi is generally located in <cd-drive>:\servers\Setup\SqlSupport.msi

After installing the new instance or reinstalling the Support files by running SqlSupport.msi, We need to install security patch 948109 on the original instance on which it was failing previously, the installation of the security patch will succeed.




Parikshit Savjani

SE, Microsoft SQL Server
