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ERROR 29506 while installing the SP2 on the sql server 2005

While installing SP2 on the SQL server 2005, the installation may fail. Whenever the SQL server installation fails it creates a log in the following location.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\

The above location generally contains following folders and file.

1) Files (Contains Logs for the installation of the RTM (Release to Market) version of the SQL server)

2) HotFix (Contains Logs for the installation of the Hotfixes and service packs)

3) Summary.txt (Contains summary of all the sql server products which were installed and whether they Successfully installed or Failed)

- These logs are created for any SQL server 2005 setup installation which applies to the installation of the RTM version or any of the service packs and even all the editions of the sql server 2005 Standard Edition, Express Edition, Enterprise Edition.

- Whenever the SQL server 2005 setup fails we need to check the summary.txt located in the above location to get the information for cause of the failure and to know which products were unstable to install.

- So during the installing of the SQL server 2005 sp2 if the installation fails and when you look at the summary.txt, you may find that one of the cause of the failure is ERROR 29506.

The summary.txt may have the following information


Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)

Product Version (Previous): 1399

Product Version (Final) :

Status : Failure

Log File : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\SQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log

Error Number : 29506

Error Description : MSP Error: 29506 SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ for user Administrator. To proceed, verify that the account and domain running SQL Server Setup exist, that the account running SQL Server Setup has administrator privileges, and that exists on the destination drive.

- When you look into the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix\SQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log you will see the following error

Configuring ACL:

 Object: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data ACL: (A;OICI;FA;;;[SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$CORPDBPRO$MSSQLSERVER])

Action: 0x103

Failed ACL:

  SetSecurityFileDescriptor is failed at the error code 5; Converted SDDL: '(A;OICI;FA;;;S-1-5-21-3714694515-4057322299-1779769068-1013)'

        Error Code: 0x80077342 (29506)

Windows Error Text: Source File Name: sqlca\sqlsddlca.cpp

Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:11 2006

     Function Name: ExceptionInSDDL

Source Line Number: 65

- The main cause of the above error is that there is improper permissions of the DATA and LOG folder of the SQL server 2005. In other words the DATA and LOG folders didn’t have Full Control permissions for the user Administrator and as a result the error message says

MSP Error: 29506 SQL Server Setup failed to modify security permissions on file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ for user Administrator

In order to avoid the error we need

1) To start the SP2 installation using an administrator or a user with administrative privileges.

2) All the files and the folder contained in the DATA and LOG must have Administrative privileges with FULL CONTROL permissions.

In order to achieve this right click on the DATA and LOG folder go to sharing and security. Click on the security tab and make sure Administrator is present and it has FULL CONTROL. Also go to the advanced tab and click on inherit the permissions to the child objects.

Finally confirm that all the folders and files located inside DATA and LOG folder have Full Administrator privilege.

Once the permission issue is resolved we can restart with the installation and it works fine.





Parikshit Savjani

SE, Microsoft SQL Server