SharePoint 2010: Issues with Service Application Proxy & Proxy Group Associations
At times we would see errors while accessing various Service applications. These types of issues manifest with various symptoms at different locations, here is an example of a few I have come across.
Symptom 1:
When you try to access the Managed Metadata Service Application from manage Service Applications, you face the following error:
"The Service Application being requested does not have a connection associated with the Central Administration web application. To access the term management tool use the site settings from a site configured with the appropriate connection"
Symptom 2:
While trying to add the BCS catalog at the External List on a site or trying to add the BCS catalog while creating a sync connection for a BCS source in User profile Service application, we get the following error,
"The Business data connectivity metadata store is unavailable. Check configuration and try again"
Symptom 3:
While BCS sync step is run during an UPA profile sync, we might see this error in ULS logs
05/18/2012 01:00:39.14 miiserver.exe (0x0C1C) 0x23C8 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles e96j High Error calling FindSpecific : Microsoft.BusinessData.Infrastructure.BdcException: The shim execution failed unexpectedly - Unable to obtain the application proxy for the context.. ---> Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.Server.SecureStoreServiceException: Unable to obtain the application proxy for the context.
at Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.Server.SecureStoreProvider.get_Proxy()
at Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.Server.SecureStoreProvider.GetRestrictedCredentials(String appId)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Infrastructure.WindowsAuthenticator.ExecuteAfterLogonUser(Object[] args, ISecureStoreProvider ssoProvider, String ssoApplicationId, Boolean useSensitiveSsoCreds)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Infrastructure.WindowsAuthenticator.ExecuteAfterLogonUser(Object[] args, ISecureStoreProvider ssoProvider, String ssoApplicationId)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SystemSpecific.Db.DbConnectionManager.GetConnection()
Possible causes:
1. You might be missing an Association between web-application & service applications via the Service applications Proxy Group.
2. You might have in-sufficient permissions to Service applications/Service application proxies for various service accounts .
1. Create a new proxy group with all required all Service applications & then move the required web-applications to use this Proxy Group.
2. Check & assign the permissions to Service applications/Service application proxies for required service accounts.
Here is a Sample commands to create a Proxy Group via SharePoint Management shell.Note : Although this can be done via UI , but with a Limitation of unable to create name of the proxy group .
$GroupName = 'New Custom Service Group'
Remove-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup -Identity $groupName -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$newProxyGroup = New-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup -name $GroupName
Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember -identity $newProxyGroup -member $Prxy
Post By: Rajan Kapoor [MSFT]
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- Anonymous
December 03, 2015
Hi, I am facing the same issue with my existing managed metadata service application.I created a new service application with default proxy group, but the error is same.Even i could not navigate to any site settings in the Farm Please help me out. Thanks