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Vegas, Windows Phone 7 Series and MIX10

Mix10_LoveFest_brn_240 It’s almost that time of year where we make the latest and greatest announcements for all things web at MIX. On Monday Joe Belfiore made one of the most long-awaited announcements around Windows Phone 7 Series - it’s super glam UI and concepts of ‘hubs’. Gizmodo (and many more) raved about it completely.


So what do phones and a designer/developer Love Fest have in common? If you happened to see this post on the MIX10 site, you would have noticed the snippet; “ All MIX10 attendees will receive access to the Windows Phone 7 Series development tools… ”. Even Scott Guthrie is dropping hints in his Tweets. ScottGuTweet

So, if you’ve got travel budget AND want to get your hands on the phone tools AND want to attend one of the hottest events on the web calendar this year, get that US visa sorted and start packing. Registrations before Saturday 21 February get a $200 discount!

- says Kath Roderick