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Office 365中小企優惠 Office 365 SMB Offer

12+1 Offer_banner

由2016年10月14日至12月31日,客戶凡購買下列商務用Office 365計劃並簽約12個月,即可額外獲贈免費1個月優惠。
From October 14 to December 31, 2016, customers who purchase the following Business version Office 365 plans and sign up a 12-month contract will entitle to an extra month free.

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  1. 此優惠只適用於1或2年合約,客戶最多可享獲額外免費2個月的Office 365服務。
    This offer applicable to  1 and 2 years contract. Customer can maximum enjoy 2 months free on Office 365 service.
  2. 客戶必須於優惠期內經Microsoft經銷商、分銷商或零售商以月收費形式購買指定Office 365服務以獲取有關優惠。
    Customers have to purchase the selected monthly subscribed Office 365 via Microsoft distributors or re-sellers to enjoy the special offer.
  3. 優惠受條款約束,詳情請向Microsoft經銷商、分銷商或零售商查詢。
    Terms and conditions applied. Please check with Microsoft distributors or re-sellers for more information.

立即行動,依下列步驟,登記您有興趣的Office 365優惠。
Follow the steps to register your Office 365 offer now.

office claim flow

If the form does not display appropriately, please click here to fill in the details.

For enquiry, please call 2388-9600.
