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Units of Measurement in Small Basic

What is a Unit?

A unit is a standard measurement whose multiples are used in determining quantity, e.g. an inch, degree, calorie, volt, or hour. (Dictionary object)

Units in Small Basic

There are some different units used in Small Basic objects:

  • Pixel - graphics dot unit
  • Column - text horizontal character unit
  • Row - text vertical character unit
  • Year - 365 or 366 days
  • Month - 28~31 days
  • Day - 24 hours
  • Hour - 60 minutes
  • Minute - 60 seconds
  • Second - 1000 milliseconds
  • Millisecond - 1/1000 of a second
  • Degree - angle unit (360 degree = 1 round)
  • Radian - angle unit (2π radian = 1 round)

And the following units don't have their names of units:

  • Turtle Speed - 1~10
  • Opacity - 0~100
  • Color Value - 0~255

See Also


  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2016
    Math.Pi is a unit ?
  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2016
    Yvan,Pi as a unit? Yes, I think that makes sense.
  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2016
    pi is a dimensionless number (just like 23.8) and has no unit - it is the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle.In some circumstances you could argue pi is an angle with units of radian (pi radians = 180 degrees), but I think that would be 'unusual' and certainly pi is not a unit itself.
  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2016
    Hi Ed and Nonki !finally , regarding this debate, i found this beautiful website: Pi , 0, 1, e. are math constant but part of computers language, so what they are ? in a computer point of view ?Pi was used in my old Zx-81 computer in the 80's as a special key on the keyboard, !