PDC 2009: Day 0 – It’s All About Software Quality
After my 2.5-hour flight from Denver (The entire Denver contingent of Microsoft Developer Platform & Evangelism was on my flight) to Los Angeles at the you-know-what crack of dawn this morning, I was excited to arrive at my first Microsoft Professional Developers Conference. In my 4+ years at Microsoft, 2 of which were in Sothern California, it’s hard to believe that it took me this long to finally attend. But I made it!
PDC doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, leaving today for “pre-cons” – workshops & team meetings. For me, it was a deep-dive into the new QA/Testing tools coming out in VS 2010.
My highlight topics included:
- Test Case Management
- Manual Testing
- Action Recording
- Turning an action recording into a Coded UI Test
- Lab Management
- SCVMM, TCM, and other fun acronyms
- Query-based test suites
- Requirements-based test suites
- Test Impact Analysis
- Fast Forward Manual Testing
It’s all goodness. I’ll be honest – It’s a heck of a lot to learn as well, but these new capabilities are really going to hit home with a lot of people. You just wait and see. For those of your in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and Denver – just let me know if you’d like a run through from me.
That’s it for today. I guarantee today will be the lightest day of the week. Tues-Thurs will be providing keynotes, tons of geeky sessions, and some great evening events along the way (my team is hosting a dinner tomorrow night, and there’s of course the Underground at PDC event/party on Wednesday)! I’ll also try to post some thoughts on Twitter as well (or follow all of the PDC tweets here).