Pie in the Sky (December 9, 2011)
Well, we certainly have not hit a December slow-down around here (though I am starting to look forward to a few days off). Judging by the rate at which we keep finding interesting reading, no one else is slowing either. Here’s the good stuff we found this week…
- Using Windows Azure Storage from the Windows Phone (VIDEO): A walkthrough of the NuGet packages for Windows Azure storage and Windows Phone, highlighting how easy it is to interact with blobs, tables, and queues, both directly against storage and securely through proxy services.
- https://github.com/smarx/packanddeploy: A simple scaffold for packaging a Windows Azure app that just runs an executable.
- Don't be a One-trick Architect: "Just like evolution made us store fat on our bodies in different places depending on the usage (thank goodness) you also have to consider the option of storing your data in more than one place. Having a bit of padding all over the body is a lot more charming (and healthy) than a beer belly."
- Blazing fast node.js: 10 performance tips from LinkedIn Mobile: A collection of performance and design tips from LinkedIn. While the article is targeted at Node.js, most of these can be applied to other languages as well.
- Haters gonna HATEOAS: Larry discovered HATEOAS this week, which he had never heard of before. This article does a good job of describing what HATEOAS is and how it fits into REST.
- Testing with Mocha: While we're on the subject of testing this week, here's an article on testing Node.js applications using the Mocha test library.
- Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games: The Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games has been updated. Still beta though.
- Microsoft’s Cloud Chiefs Talk Myths, Trends and the Future for Business IT :Q&A with Kurt DelBene and Satya Nadella talk about cloud myths and trends.
- Announcing ql.io: Could be promising...a declarative, evented, data-retrieval and aggregation gateway for HTTP APIs.
Have a great weekend.