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Silverlight games: Creating an online business based on games


The evil economic times are hitting many of us, not me, my managers at Microsoft have made good decisions and we are doing well, but certainly others.  Say what you will about Microsoft, their management is very sensitive to the needs of the workers and, although I do complain about them, they are great people.  Students are having difficulties finding interviews, and others are suddenly finding themselves out of work.

I have been through a number of layoffs in my career, and none of them were fun, but all of them usually forced me to look inward and make changes or do things that I wouldn’t otherwise do.  Not that I was happy about the change, or enjoyed the change process.

But how would you use Silverlight to create a business to serve up games on the web?  If you are a student, you can use the software to experiment with the creation process and creating traffic.  If you are laid off and are looking to form a business, or a student who wants to move to profit making ventures, you will need to see the information about BizSpark

What would the architecture look like for a online business based on games?

If you are thinking about hardware/software architecture at this time, you are likely being to detailed. 

To be successful your architecture might look like:

      • Create a facebook based gamesite
      • Invite others to contribute ideas
      • Build games that are interesting to the people who contributed the ideas

Make use of hosted sites, designing web sites that support silverlight games would be the easiest way technology wise to go.  There are tutorials that explain how to use Blend and Visual Studio Web Developer Express to build games.

Your game web site would require that silverlight games that contribute provide scoring and game level links that the website could read connect the games in some overall manner.

Add sidebars for advertisements and you can make some money while having fun!

Technorati Tags: Silverlight