Webinar focused on BI in Retail
What: Webinar Focused on BI in Retail
When: February 20th - 11 a.m. PST, 2 a.m. EST
Who: Rob Garf – AMR analyst
David Gruehn – Industry Solutions Director, Former Retail CIO
Debbie Hauss, Managing Editor, RIS News
Do you know what it truly costs to sell specific products in your stores? Or perform functions throughout the enterprise? If you don’t, can you steer the ship optimally? In this educational web seminar, AMR’s Rob Garf will share the reality of how leading companies are leveraging BI and ABC tools to truly bolster profits and will also make clear a roadmap to start reaping benefits in this area.
Additionally, former retail CIO and long-time retail visionary David Gruehn will provide the audience with an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at what Business Analytic solutions can and are doing today to enhance top- and bottom-line results.