SharePoint Comics – Comics on SharePoint
I like to think I’m a funny guy. Well, I always make 1 person laugh at least (I do count as one person right?).
I was reading some comics at Office OFFline by David Salaquinto (be sure to check out David’s - he’s got some great stuff!). David was nice enough to provide a Visio template (that’s what he does his comics in) to create your own comics. The idea occurred to me today that I should be creating these for SharePoint. Not necessarily on a regular basis, but as funny stories come to mind or to help get the point of a blog post across. Hence: ShareComics!
If I get good feedback, I’ll keep them coming. If not, well, I’ll take my hurt feel-goods with me back into my little corner and go back to doing magic tricks.
ShareComics - Silly Alerts