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Halo 3 Video Documentary Available!

Over at, Frankie posted details about a video documentary (Vidoc) called 'Et Tu Brute' which is about the Brutes in Halo 3.  I really enjoyed the Vidoc and it will be good to have such an interesting challenge when Halo 3 is released.  Even though the graphics in the Vidoc are not final, and even though it looks like some of the material was from a pre-alpha build, the detail is stunning and impressive. Clearly, Bungie has a lot of quality artistic talent on their hands.

You can check out the Vidoc in Windows Media and Quicktime formats:


Et Tu Brute - small
Et Tu Brute - Large (640x480)

Windows Media:

Et Tu Brute - small
Et Tu Brute - Large (640x480)

The folks over at, also have it in iPod, PSP, and Zune formats.