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Meet Wayne Small - Aussie SBS MVP


Our final post in the series of Aussie SBS MVPs is Wayne Small - from here on in known as The Wayne.

Prolific SBS group poster & moderator, Microsoft Press author & owner of the SBSfaq website, Wayne has been involved with SBS since before the dawn of time. Particular thanks from me for his efforts on the recent SBS / EBS training: 10 presentations in 5 cities in 8 days, reaching close to 500 Aussie partners at user groups & official Microsoft sessions.

So, here we present our full list of Australian SBS MVPs:

As the person responsible for SBS in Australia & officially the 2nd least technical person in Microsoft, I personally feel that much more comfortable knowing that we have such passionate, knowledgeable & approachable MVPs out there helping to drive SBS forward.

Thanks & cheers for all you do,


PS - not sure why 3 out of the 6 MVPs list Animal as their favourite Muppet. Must be something in that.


Name: Wayne Small

Company: Correct Solutions /

Location: Castle Hill, NSW, Australia

Years in business: 11yrs @ Correct Solutions

Describe your business in 25 words or less: Correct Solutions provides total IT solutions for the SMB customer encompassing design, supply, install and support the entire solution from cabling, phone systems, and network infrastructure.

What are you passionate about in business?:   Making solutions that work for the customer and make a positive difference to their use of technology and their business.  I love to see the light bulb come on above peoples heads when they “get it” about how we can help them improve their operations.

How long have you been an SBS MVP? I’ve been an SBS MVP now for 6 years.

How long have you been in IT?: if you count the fact that I designed and built my first computer before I got into high school, then 31 years... wow – that really makes me feel old!

What are you most looking forward to with the launch of SBS 2008? The feature I am most looking forward to is the improvements around Remote Web Workplace.  Microsoft have really improved the overall functionality and usability to make this so easy for clients.

What’s the one thing Microsoft can do to really help partners get up to speed with the new version? Get the product out the door so that we can sell it.  It’s been a long time between drinks for SBS and once the product is out the door, we can start to empower customers with all the new technologies and features in SBS 2008 – that will in turn make a positive difference to their business and ultimately the partners business too.

Who’s your favourite Muppets character? Animal... I love that he’s so talented and yet totally insane at the same time.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Seems I like spoke too soon when listing all the Australian SBS MVPs because we now have another to add

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Registration for TechEd 2008 closes at 3pm on Thursday, August 28th & so if you wanna be part of