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Photos from the “Day after Mardi Gras” Geek Dinner in Mississippi

The day after Mardi Gras, I drove up to Hattiesburg, Mississippi for a Geek Dinner. We had a good turnout of 13 people, including several from out-of-state. 2 people drove several hours from Mobile, Alabama, and 1 guy even drove 6 hours from Tennessee!! I so get bragging rights for that.

Everyone at the geek dinner in Mississippi

And since this was a “Day after Mardi Gras” Geek Dinner, I’ll share a few (work safe) photos from Mardi Gras.

And since a lot of people have asked, the hotels reported being at 90% capacity, so we’re almost back to pre-Katrina levels. Still seems to be more locals than tourists, but definitely more tourists this year than last.

This year was my first time getting to ride in a parade and throw beads. I’ve been the queen of a parade before (can you imagine me as a 17 year old having to wear a wedding dress?) and i’ve marched in quite a few parades in elementary school, but have never been able to fulfill my life-long dream to throw beads, until now…

riding in the pass christian parade

This was the Pass Christian Parade on the Miss Gulf Coast. Newspaper said between 30,000-40,000 people in attendance. I couldn’t help saying to myself, “Do I really look / act like that on the ground?” (the answer is of course.)

the crowd screaming for beads

I really don’t have any work-safe photos from Lundi Gras or Mardi Gras in the French Quarter, so here’s a pretty picture that i took of Jackson Square at 7:30am on Mardi Gras Day 2009.

Jackson Square in French Quarter

Laissez-les bons temps rouler!