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Verizon Wireless Launching Windows Phone 7 HTC Trophy

If you’re one of the many Verizon Wireless subscribers who have been eagerly awaiting a CDMA based Window Phone 7 device the wait is nearly over. On May 26, 2011 the HTC Trophy will be available to order directly from the Verizon Wireless website and will be available in Verizon Wireless stores across the U.S. the following week beginning June 2 (store locator).

Verizon Wireless will offer the HTC Trophy for $149.99, after a $50.00 mail in rebate, when purchased with a 2 year contract. Verizon Wireless will be offering a free Xbox 360 game for anyone purchasing the new phone before July 15, 2011.

Windows Phone developers should be excited about this as it represents the first of many milestones for Windows Phone as it gains market share within the U.S. and around the world.

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