Enabling WebDAV on IIS 6
I had a great question from someone the other day about enabling WebDAV on IIS 6, so I wrote a simple Windows Script Host (WSH) utility that does the trick. Because I'm a firm believer that writing code for one person will ultimately benefit someone else, I'm making that script the subject of today's blog post. ;-)
Note: The following script makes use of several IIS 6 metabase properties, and you can see the following topics for more information:
- https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms525087(VS.85).aspx
- https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms525016(VS.85).aspx
- https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524576(VS.85).aspx
To use this script, use the following steps:
Copy the WSH code listed below and paste it into a text editor, such as Windows Notepad:
Option Explicit ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Part 1: Enable the WebDAV Web Service Extension. ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Retrieve an object for the W3SVC root. Dim objIIsWebService Set objIIsWebService = GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3SVC") ' Enable the WebDAV Web Service Extension. objIIsWebService.EnableWebServiceExtension "WEBDAV" ' Save the changes to the metabase. objIIsWebService.SetInfo ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Part 2: Enable the WebDAV-related attributes for the Default Web Site. ' -------------------------------------------------- ' Retrieve an object for the web site root. Dim objIIsWebSite Set objIIsWebSite = GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT") ' Enable the WebDAV-related access flags. objIIsWebSite.AccessRead = True objIIsWebSite.AccessSource = True objIIsWebSite.AccessWrite = True ' Enable the directory browsing - required for file listings. objIIsWebSite.EnableDirBrowsing = True ' Save the changes to the metabase. objIIsWebSite.SetInfo
Update the metabase path for your web site to IIS://localhost/W3SVC/nnn/ROOT, where nnn is the identifier for the web site where you want to enable WebDAV. Note: The web site identifier can be found in the IIS Manager using the following steps:
- Open the IIS manager.
- Expand the local computer node.
- Highlight the Web Sites node.
- Notice the site ID in the "Identifier" column.
Save the file as EnableWebDav.vbs to your desktop and close your text editor.
Note: This script is not designed the new WebDAV module for IIS 7. To manage the WebDAV module in IIS 7, see the following topics:
I hope this helps!
May 14, 2008
This is a pretty handy tool for getting Expression Web working on IIS 6 . The important thing is enablingAnonymous
February 07, 2012
thanks to you...this is very handy