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Scoop! first look to Josh Protocol, the new Romeo's work for ItConsult

josh Protocol! è ilrivoluzionario sistema diProtocollo Informatico checopre tutti i livelli...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/19/2007

Search for “recuperare informazioni preparazione meeting clienti”: smettetela di cercare e cominciate a chiedere.

è bellissimo! qualcuno ha trovato questo blog perchè ha cercato "recuperare informazioni...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/15/2007

GreenTeam: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Intensive Training for IT Professionals (raccomandato da Roberdan ;-)

Il perché di un corso “Intensive” Per primo in Italia, ho presentato 2007 Microsoft Office System in...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/15/2007

Microsoft to Acquire Tellme Networks

REDMOND, Wash. — March 14, 2007 — Microsoft Corp. today announced it will acquire Tellme Networks,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/15/2007

Accordo tra Microsoft e Lenovo per preinstallare sui computer dell'azienda cinese la toolbar Winows...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/14/2007

MOSS07: Enterprise Search Deep Dives

Ormai Romeo mi batte persino sul tempo :-) THX!! Enterprise Search Strategy and Opportunities...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/14/2007

MIT To Put Its Entire Curriculum Online Free Of Charge

In 2002, when MIT decided to experiment with placing course contents on the Web for open access, the...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/14/2007

Windows Desktop Search 3.X SDK is released

Windows Search is a standard component of Microsoft Windows Vista enabled by default and an add-in...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/13/2007

Seminario su Windows Vista di Mastro Santin

SeminariWINDOWS VISTAuna introduzione tecnica Relatore: Massimo SantinData e ora: 14 marzo 2007...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/13/2007

Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, March 12, 2007: 10 High-Profit Redesign Priorities

Summary:Several usability findings lead directly to higher sales and increased customer loyalty....

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/13/2007

Datatec: evento SharePoint 2007, Roma EUR, 27 marzo 2007...con due special guest :-)

Evento Sharepoint 2007, Roma EUR, 27 Marzo 2007 Special guest: Davide Colombo (il mio compagnuccio...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/12/2007

fatevi un giro per seattle o san francisco enjoy ;-)

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/11/2007

Kurt Brockett - A Look at Windows Presentation Foundation 2007-02-13 Ignite Seattle

Click To Play

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/11/2007

Deploying Groove Server 2007 and Groove 2007 at Microsoft

Executive Summary At Microsoft, as in many organizations, the majority of collaborative work occurs...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/10/2007

Josh Archive! la soluzione per la Conservazione Sostitutiva basato su SharePoint 2007

Un pò perchè mi piace Josh, un pò perchè mi hanno sempre invitato al Knowledge Box, un pò perchè...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/09/2007

Microsoft Transporter for Lotus Domino Availability

Microsoft Transporter for Lotus Domino AvailabilityMicrosoft Transporter for Lotus Domino configures...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/09/2007

SharePoint Server 2007 offers improved enterprise search capabilities, which enable search of...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/09/2007

L'avessi scritto io sarebbe stato il putiferio!

articolo su

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/09/2007

I problemi dei social network

Interessante articolo di Paolo Valdemarin qui: Social Network per tutti! (Ripreso da Apogeonline)...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/08/2007

Give everyone a seat at the table: Microsoft Roundtable

Se pensate poi che chi la fa è un italiano :-) Thx Simone! Microsoft Office RoundTable™ combines a...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/08/2007

Microsoft set to deliver enhanced VoIP solutions, lead unified communication shift to software

Imagine the complexities of modern communications condensed into a seamless experience with one...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/08/2007

Datatec propone un evento su SharePoint 2007 a Roma EUR, il 27 marzo 2007

Data: Martedi 27 Marzo 2007 dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 Location: Roma EUR, V.le Shakespeare...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/06/2007

ROI Analysis Tool for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Evaluate customer opportunity with a Windows SharePoint Services ROI analysis report. By comparing...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/06/2007

Innovate on 2007 Office System (Video from SoapBox)

Video: Innovate on 2007 Office System

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/06/2007

Cheap software for cheap employees...

"Cheap software for cheap employees makes your people unready.” (Gray Knowlton, 2007)

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/05/2007

Buon compleanno a...

Tanti auguri PierG, buon compleanno! PS: manco a farlo apposta stanotte...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/05/2007


Click here to check outThe Ignite Milan - a night for geeks, techies, and makers!

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/04/2007

'citizens of SharePoint'

Based on a Butler Group survey of around 200 large- and medium-sized enterprises, approximately 60%...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/04/2007

Motori fuori controllo

Riprendo un articolo molto interessante tratto dalla newsletter (bellissima tra l'altro) di...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/04/2007

Weekly News - 4 march 2007

Roberdan "Weekly News" is a weekly selection of news, stuff and conversations I'd like to summarize...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/04/2007

comincio a non capirci più molto

ma i browser diventeranno sistemi operativi...e qual'è la differenza con i sistemi operativi? e se...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/02/2007

Microsoft e la SOA

Il buon mastro Santin mi ha girato qualche giorno fa questo interessante documento su MES...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/02/2007

Domenica è il compleanno di mia madre

Dovreste anche solo annusare i piatti che cucina. La pizza poi è una cosa fantastica, come i...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/02/2007

io ogni tanto mi fermo a pensare e subito dopo mi metto a ridere!

tipo ieri, eravamo all'Hayatt vicino l'aeroporto di Parigi, per una riunione etc. Finito tutto ci...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/02/2007

This week I'm in ...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 03/01/2007

Community Kit for SharePoint: User Group Edition 1.0 now available

After 5 months of starts and stops, the CKS:UGE 1.0 has finally reached the Release milestone thanks...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/28/2007

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 and the EMC Documentum Platform

Seamless integration – Access content and process services, including browse, search, check-in/out,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/28/2007

after a complex brainstorming with a couple of friends...we generate a quote :-)

pls read directly on PierG's blog: thx Pierg,...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/27/2007

Install protocol handlers (Office SharePoint Server 2007) and configure to crawl Lotus Notes

In this article:...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/27/2007


This whitepaper describes how Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) andMicrosoft Exchange...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/25/2007

Building Custom Search WebParts with Integrated SAP NetWeaver Portal Search for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS)

With the public availability of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) Microsoft introduces...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/25/2007

Description of the SharePoint Server 2007 hotfix package: February 10, 2007

Issues that the hotfix package fixes: hotfix...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/25/2007

Estimate performance and capacity requirements for search environments (Search Capacity Planning SharePoint Server 2007, MOSS 2007)

In this article:...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/25/2007

Vorsite Search Connector for MOSS 2007 (SharePoint Server)

Every day, information workers battle with disparate business systems attempting to find...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/22/2007

The essence of Web 2.0: web 2.0 is linking people. We need to rethink few things.

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/20/2007

Software as Electricity and Card Space

SoftTricity devo ammettere di essermi perso qualcosa quando l'anno scorso...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/16/2007


L'altra sera con la Franci siamo andati Al Crocodile. Se non sapete cos'è cercate su internet...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/16/2007

giusto il tempo di imbarcarmi

per tornare in Italia. Vi confesso che un pò mi stavo abituando e quasi quasi....quasi quasi un...

Author: Roberdan1 Date: 02/16/2007

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