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Using Vista: Controlling your computer using voice only

One of the things I do every day is read what users are saying about Windows Speech Recognition in blogs, on the net, and in USENET groups. I love doing this because I can often help users who are having problems, and/or I get candid feedback about what we should be doing...

I also love it when it's just such a positive post telling us that we've done a really great job. Here's one of those posts that I just read today.Here's what Leftos has to say in his Pointing The Gun at Vista blog:

Vista has included full speech control. That means that using Speech Recognition technology you can literally control every program, every menu, every part of Vista using your voice. The "look mummy, without hands!" joke really comes to action.

I gave it a try myself, and I have to say I'm amazed. You can do everything. If it's on the screen, you can click it. You can browse around the web by spelling the address and then saying the link you want to visit next. You can type whole texts by just using your voice, and you can even correct words of phrases without moving your hands to the mouse and keyboard to do it by hand.

The computer actually learns as you speak to it, so the more you use this feature, the more efficient it becomes.

If you have Vista, give it a try. It's on Control Panel > Ease of Access. And It's amazing.

Thanks Leftos. :-)