Using Macros of the Day: A Step by Step Guide
I've been posting macros for a few weeks now, and one question that comes up from time to time is, "Hey Rob, How do I use the macros that you've created? They look really cool, but I'm not sure how to save them onto my PC. Please help!"
It's a good question, and right now it's not as obvious as it should be. Ideally we'll extend the WSR Macro tool to make this incredibly easy, but for now, it's a bit of a manual process to copy a macro from text on a web site and save it on your local PC.
Here's how you do it using Notepad in 4 steps:
- Copy the macro source:
- For example, you can use my Search Commands macro from a couple weeks ago).
- Select all of the macro source from the web page, including both the starting element (<speechMacros>) and the ending element (</speechMacros).
- Copy it by saying "Copy that", or pressing <ctrl-c>.
- Paste the macro source into a text editor:
- Open a text editor of your choice that can save plain text files. I typically use Notepad or Visual Studio for this step. I'll use Notepad in this example.
- Paste the contents of the macro into Notepad by saying "Paste that", or pressing <ctrl-v>.
- Save the macro source:
- Select File / Save As by clicking thru the menu, or by saying "File", "Save As".
- Change the directory to your Speech Macros directory. Your Speech Macros directory is located underneath your Documents directory under your user account.
- Change the Save as Type to All files (this will allow you to use a file extension other than .TXT).
- Give the file whatever name you'd like, such as "Search Commands.wsrMac"
- Click OK.
- Sign the macro:
- If your WSR Macro Security level is set to high, you'll get a cryptic error message telling you that No Signature was present in the subject. That means that the macro hasn't been signed yet to be used on your PC.
- Right click on the WSR Macros icon in the system tray.
- Click "Security"
- Click "Sign Speech Macros..."
- Select your macro you just saved (e.g. "Search Commands.wsrMac")
- Click OK, and then click OK again.
That's it. Copy, Paste, Save, Sign.
If you don't want to mess with step #4 (signing), you can instead disable the security features of WSR Macros by setting the Security Level to Low. I wouldn't recommend this for most people, but if you must, you certainly can.