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Bottle Python Framework on Windows Azure

Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python.  This tutorial shows you how to create a website on Azure for Bottle Framework in just a few clicks.  You require a Windows Azure account to begin.Once you are logged into theManagement portal, you will need to create a new site “from gallery” as shown below


Choose “App Frameworks” category and then select Bottle . Click on Next



Enter the site name, say ‘mybottleapp’ and select the region. Click on the Complete and that’s it . Your website is now being deployed


Management portal will inform you on the status once this the app is deployed and here is this is your bottle site


That’s it , you have an simple application using Bottle up and running in Windows Azure .  To start building on on top of this application , just download the content using GIT or FTP . Then Open you application in Visual Studio with Python Tools 2.0 RC  . In Visual studio , create a new project   by selecting ” From Existing Python Code”  .  Happy Coding  !!
