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12 supermodels loving Microsoft stuff at New York Fashion Week

People in the know know that when Fashion Week models are off-duty, they spend their downtime in the Models Lounge. Yes, there’s a secret models’ lounge, underneath a well-known restaurant in lower Manhattan. You have to be on the list, of course: It’s only for female models from top agencies who are invited.

The Model Lounge is open year-round, but it’s especially full during NY Fashion Week when there’s so much going on, and so many models are in the city all at once. This year, Microsoft sponsored the Model Lounge, so we have some awesome behind-the-scenes perspective for you.

Models in the lounge all got new HTC-made Windows Phone 8 devices, and got access to Surface devices for checking email and browsing the Web, and Xbox and Kinect games like Dance Central. And what kind of model doesn’t like dancing?

The denizens of the Model Lounge love to use social media, of course, some of them from their new Windows Phone 8’s: Twitter and Instagram rule the day. Here are some pics of models loving Microsoft gear…

Josephine Skriver may be one of the top 50 models in the world, making the cover of Elle and modeling for the likes of DKNY and Michael Kors, but she’s definitely not above being silly with her neon-yellow HTC phone:

Nyasha Matonhodze models for Louis Vuitton and Balenciaga and has appeared on the cover of Vogue. Here she models her new HTC phone and Beats by Dre headphones on Instagram.

Some models didn’t take a photo (that’s what they do for a living, after all – maybe they need a break!), but they did tweet thank you’d to Microsoft. Joan Smalls is one of the very top professional models in the world, working with Victoria’s Secret, Estee Lauder, and co-hosting a show on MTV when she’s not giving Microsoft some Twitter love.

You may recognize Genevieve Morton from the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Maybe you’ll recognize her on the street with her new Windows Phone 8 sometime, too.

Elza Luijendijk is one of the hottest new models on the circuit, working for Roberto Cavalli and Versace, among others.

Andreea Diaconu, a Ralph Lauren and MaxMara model, has some major kudos for her new HTC phone and her #DreBeats — “Bye bye, iPhone!”

Model Sarah Joffs loves the phone she won at Fashion Week.

And what gallery of models at a private party would be complete without some shots from the step and repeat? Here’s Sarah Joffs again, hamming it up with a friend.

This is model Maxime Vanderhei with her phone on the step-and-repeat.

Model MJ is making a funny fish-face in the Model Lounge X Microsoft. You can fish-face her back on Twitter at @MJ_696.

And model Kelsey Soles is having some fun with her friend and a couple of apples.

And finally, Inga Krohn is definitely the leader of the funny-face-on-the-step-and-repeat competition at Model Lounge X Microsoft!

Thanks to all the models who stopped by the Model Lounge and played with Microsoft stuff and gave us shout-outs — We’re glad you love our stuff!!