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New Project Server 2010 content

Customer requests fueled two new documentation resources for Project Server 2010! These resources just went live at the end December. If you have feedback on either of these resources, feel free to leave comments here, or send email to

Article: Archive a completed project

This article details the standard method for archiving completed projects, as performed by a project manager and administrator. It also provides a high-level look at some alternate archiving methods, as well as some best practices for long-term archival.

Diagram: Tracking time and task progress in Project Server 2010

This Visio file contains diagrams that illustrate five different timesheet and task progress workflow scenarios.


Standard (Single Entry Mode).   This diagram illustrates the workflow involved with reporting time and task progress if your organization reports on both of these in one view.


Standard (Separate Views).   This diagram illustrates the workflow involved with reporting time in the Timesheet view, and task progress in the Tasks view.


Timesheet Delegation.   This diagram illustrates the workflow involved when a resource identifies a delegate to report time and task progress on his or her behalf.


Closed-Period Updating.   This diagram illustrates the workflow involved when a resource needs to make a change to a timesheet for a time period that the administrator has already closed to updates.


Closed-Task Updating.   This diagram illustrates the workflow involved when a resource needs to make a change to task progress that was reported for a task that the project manager has closed to updates.