MSDN Chat Transcript Posted
For those of you that might have missed our January MSDN chat, the transcript is now available for viewing here:
Thank you to everyone that joined in on the chat! We had a great mix of questions about XP Embedded, WEPOS and POS for .NET. We had about 25 customers in attendance, and approximately 30 experts available to answer questions. We'll look at scheduling another chat in the next few months. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for specific topics to cover! Next time we'll see if we can get more customers than experts J
- Shayna
April 11, 2007
The link does not exists, what was said? Location Cannot Be FoundAnonymous
April 12, 2007
panamahat - Our apologies, it appears that they have changed the link to the trascript. You should now be able to find it here: ~Shayna