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Getting Started with the Cloud – Every Day Next Week!

I’d say there’s a greater than 50:50 chance you’re confused about cloud-computing unless you’re already involved. Terms like “public cloud”, “hybrid cloud”, “Infrastructure as a Service”, “Platform as a Service” add to an apparent mystique. Maybe you find yourself just on the periphery of the conversation and if you just had that tiny bit of extra understanding to get you over the initial hump you’d be in a much better position.

I’m finding this so much: people are so close, yet so far. It’s one of those Pareto Principle things where it takes just a tiny bit of understanding to solve most of the problem. As an evangelist, I run a lot of one-day hands-on camps. We ran one last week at Southampton FC (cool pitch design don’t you think?)


but you might find you don’t have an entire day (plus travel) to dedicate. You might be miles from the places we run these things. So we thought we’d try and kill two birds with one stone . An online learning session that runs for one hour and that we repeat every day for a week.

We’re going to cover Microsoft’s public cloud offering: Microsoft Azure. We’ll unravel the mystique, explain the terms, lay out the concepts and give you a good grounding in what this game is all about. We’ll do demos and show you how to get started. There’s a way you can get an advance of £130 (US$200) in to an Azure subscription: we’ll show you how to get it. Then we’ll do demos to show you how to create Virtual Machines; how to create a cloud-based WordPress website; how to create an ASP .NET website; how to create a mobile service that can be used Android, iOS, Windows, Windows Phone, HTML/JavaScript, PhoneGap and Xamarin based mobile apps; how to create an Azure Cloud Service app.

This is aimed at anybody with IT/Dev skills who has a limited amount of time/availability to dedicate to learning something new. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Developer (on any platform), an IT Pro, Solution Architect, IT Architect, Enterprise Architect, CIO, CTO, Info-security Professional or anything in between the gaps of those roles – this session will get you started: literally. You’ll be able to deploy something to the cloud minutes after the session closes. There’ll also be a chance to ask questions.

The sessions run from 12th – 16th May and repeat every day from 12:30 – 13:30 (UK time). To register go to

Hope to see you there soon.

Planky == @plankytronixx