Need some more videos from WPC?
As follow-up from the amazing week we had in New Orleans, I'd like to share a few notable clips from Wednesday's keynote.
VIDEO >> Day 3 Keynote at WPC
at 1:32:00 to 1:39:00 check out Allison Watson on stage with Greg Brill of Infusion showing health care technology on Microsoft Surface; Amalga with Health Vault
- at 1:45:00 to 1:52:00 Stephen Elop presents a vision of technology 20 years into the future, a video many of you may have seen before
- at 1:55:00 to 2:10:00 Bill Buxton from Microsoft Research Canada, the father of multi-touch, dazzles with the thinking behind the technology of the future and today. Especially if you've never seen Bill Buxton speak before, I encourage you to check this out.
Have a great weekend!
July 19, 2009
The day 3 keynote video is very interesting but, pPlease check the audio volume: it is very low even after increasing to maximum value both the player and the laptop volume. Thank you, MarioAnonymous
July 21, 2009
Thanks. I'll pass that feedback onto the team.