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Using the Prototype Model with Microsoft AJAX

Microsoft Ajax allows you to extend your javaScript Programming framework so that you can emulate OOP practices with Javascript .

A SImple Example is Here

The following is a list of stuff you can Use in javascript with Microsoft Ajax Extensions to javascript

  • Classes

  • Namespaces

  • Inheritance

  • Interfaces

  • Enumerations

  • Reflection

Sounds Neat , doesnt it ?

Well, lets get started ...


We will build a Re-usable Photo Grid Component that you can use in your applications .

PhotoGrid  : It will show a grid of thumbnails with Animations associated with Click of each thumbNail.

On Click of the ThumbNail , the ThumbNail will move to a specific location and Resize itself .

The PhotoGird will have the Following Features.

  1. Ability Bind Data in JSON Format
  2. Paging Functionality in Numbers and "Next" and "Prev" Links
  3. Jump to a  specific page
  4. Support for Placing the Controls at Specified X and Y Locations
  5. Support for Customising the Horizontal and Vertical Offset between thumbnails
  6. Support for specifying the Number of images in each page.

It will be written as a Client Side Java Script Re-usable Component

Th JSON Data format will be like this

"Result" :


 The PhotoGrid Component will convert the Data into something that looks like this 

 On Clicking of a thumbnail  , it will resize itself automatically , then it will look like this 

 Now that I  have , hopefully, raised your curiosity . lets build this..
 Creating the PhotoGrid Component using Microsoft AJAX Exntensions
 1.Register the NameSpace
 2.Declare the Constructor for your class.
 AtlasDemo.PhotoGrid = function ( leftPosition , topPosition ,parentControlId ,animatorGlobalIndex ,tableID, horizontalOffset,VerticalOffset ){ 
this._jsonString        = "";
this._gridData          ;
this._pageIndex         = 0;
this._firstImageIndex   = 0;
this._leftPosition      = leftPosition;
this._topPosition       = topPosition;
this._parentControlId   = parentControlId;
this._thumbNailTableId  = tableID;
this._horizontalOffset  = horizontalOffset;
this._loopIndex         = 0 ;
this._verticalOffset    = VerticalOffset;
this._pageSize          =7;
this._startIndex        =0;
this._initialStart      =0;

 2. Define the functions of the PhotoGrid using the Prototype model .
 AtlasDemo.PhotoGrid.prototype = {
 The Code inside the JS function is specified in this  format , pretty neat  and organised 
 Actual Function Definitions: 
 Function Name    :  pagesAvailable
 Function Purpose :  To Return the Number of Pages Available For Paging
 Return Value     :  JSON Object with the total Number of Pages, Pages available in the Forward Direction and Backward Direction
 Input Parameters :  None
 Function Code: 
        var totalPages    = parseInt(this._gridData.ResultSet.totalResultsReturned)/parseInt(this._pageSize);
        var pagesForward  = parseInt(totalPages) - ( parseInt(this._pageIndex) +1 ) ;
        var pagesBackWard = parseInt( totalPages - pagesForward ); 
        var jsonStringData = "{\"pagesData\":{\"totalPages\":\""+totalPages+"\",\"pagesForward\":\""+pagesForward+"\",\"pagesBackWard\":\""+pagesBackWard+"\"}}"
        return ( eval( '(' + jsonStringData + ')' ) );
 The following are functions inside the Prototype function Declaration, the code is omitted for the purpose of clarity.
        <Function Body>
        <Function Body>
    resetPositions:function( leftPosition , topPosition , animatorGlobalIndex  )
        <Function Body>
    resetAll:function ( jsonString ,leftPosition , topPosition ,parentControlId ,animatorGlobalIndex ,tableID, horizontalOffset,VerticalOffset ){ 
        <Function Body>
    clearResults : function( leftPosition , topPosition , horizontalOffset,VerticalOffset )
        <Function Body>
        <Function Body>
        <Function Body>
       <Function Body> 
    CurrentPageIndex : function()
        <Function Body>
    PageBackward : function()
        <Function Body>
    AnimateElement:function( imgElement )
        <Function Body>
    CreateNewPhotoCell:function( searchResultItem )
        <Function Body>
    BindGrid : function()
         <Function Body>
 3. Once you have declared the functions supported by the PhotoGrid Class, lets Go ahead and register the class.
 AtlasDemo.PhotoGrid.registerClass('AtlasDemo.PhotoGrid', null, Sys.IDisposable);
 You can read all about the registerClass Here.
 You are now done!
 Lets go ahead and see how to use this component in our code.
 ASPX Code:
 1. Add the Mandatory Script Manager Control.
 <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
 2. Include a reference to your script File in the  <BODY> of the ASPX Page
 <script type="text/javascript" src="ClientScripts/PhotoGrid.js"></script>
 3. The Parent Control that will hold the ThumbNails
  <div id="divActualSize" style="left: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 90%; position: absolute;
            top: 18%; height: 650px" class="grey">
            <table id="tblThumbnails">

4. The Client Functions to the PhotoGrid Component

 function CreateGrid( JSONDataToBeBound )
  //Create an instance of the PhotoGrid Control
  var gridElement = new AtlasDemo.PhotoGrid( leftPosition , topPosition,"",0,"tblThumbnails",horizontalOffset,VerticalOffset) ;
  //Set the Data for the PhotoGrid Control
  //Set the Number of images to be shown in one Page
  gridElement.setPageSize( pageSize );
  //Bind the Grid
  gridElement.BindGrid( );
 we are done !
 I have made a sample application that uses this control and shows off all the features possible .
 Please let me know if this control is of any use to you .
  If yes, then how ?
  If No , then which features / options would make it useful ?
 You can download the Sample Application here.


  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2007
    You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2008
    Thats great. I am wondering in my new project about the JSON format. This clears my doubts abt the script used in this project. Thank you Phani.