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Measuring DPC time

At the DDC this year we had some very useful “community forums”.  I generally come out of these feeling like I've been beaten with a sack of oranges, and this year was no exception.  But one question in particular struck my eye – someone was saying that MS didn’t provide any useful tools for figuring out why the DPC latency they were seeing on notebooks was so poor.  When he asked about this my first thought was “I bet XPerf can do that”.

XPerf, for those who haven’t seen it, is part of a performance toolkit that the Windows performance team released.  It collects ETW events reported by various system components and then provides an … interesting … UI to pull all of those events together into graphs and visualize what in the world is going on.

The down-side of XPerf is that it can be very hard to use.  Every time I approach this tool I think “wow that’s a lot of data to make sense of”.  But I would think that we can use it to collect information about what DPCs are running and how long they run for.

Once I installed XPerf I went into the installation directory and looked at the tools that it provides.  There are two interesting tools – XPerf.exe and xperfview.exe.  The first allows you to easily start and stop trace sessions, merge trace logs and do some data processing on the resulting logs.  The second is the GUI visualization tool and lets you see your trace data.  Let’s start with XPerf:

     Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Performance Analyzer Version 4.1.6512
     Performance Analyzer Command Line
     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     Usage: xperf options ...
         xperf -help view             for xperfview, the graphical user interface
         xperf -help start            for logger start options
         xperf -help providers        for known tracing flags
         xperf -help stackwalk        for stack walking options
         xperf -help stop             for logger stop options
         xperf -help merge            for merge multiple trace files
         xperf -help processing       for trace processing options
         xperf -help symbols          for symbol decoding configuration
         xperf -help query            for query options
         xperf -help mark             for mark and mark-flush
         xperf -help format           for time and timespan formats on the command line

Well we want to use this to start a trace session, so let’s start with xperf –help start:

 C:\xperf>xperf -help start
     Trace start options:
     xperf [-start|-update [LoggerName]] -on Flags|Groups options ...
             or -flush [LoggerName] ...
             or -SetProfInt [<n>] [cached]
     User provider format for -on: (GUID|KnownProviderName)[:Flags[:Level]]
         -start      LoggerName       Start a logging session for LoggerName
         -update     LoggerName       Update a logging session for LoggerName
         -flush      LoggerName       Flush a logging session for LoggerName
         -on         Flags|Groups     For kernel logging sessions, the sequence of
                                      kernel flags and groups to be enabled,
                                      separated by '+'.  For user logging
                                      sessions, the sequence of providers to be
                                      enabled, separated by '+'.  The accepted
                                      provider format is:
                                      Use "xperf -help providers" for a list of
                                      valid flags
         -f          filename         Log events to specified file; default:
                                      \kernel.etl for kernel traces and \user.etl
                                      for user traces
         -BufferSize Size             Set trace buffer size to Size KB (4 KB -
                                      1024 KB); default: 64 KB
         -MinBuffers n                Set minimum number of trace buffers to n;
                                      default: 64
         -MaxBuffers n                Set maximum number of trace buffers to n;
                                      default: 320
         -MaxFile    Size             Set maximum file size to Size MB
         -FlushTimer n                Set the flush timer to n seconds
         -BootTrace  Flags|Groups|off Config the Event Tracing For Windows Logger 
                                      to trace boot.  Set flags as "off" to turn 
                                      off boot tracing.  All loggering control can
                                      be used in conjunction with this.  Use in
                                      conjunction with -f to log to a file other 
                                      than \Perf.etl.
         -RealTime                    Enable real time tracing
         -Buffering                   Enable buffering mode tracing
         -FileMode   Mode             Set the File Mode; default: Sequential.
                                      Mode: Sequential, Circular, Append, NewFile
         -ClockType  ClockType        Set the clock type; default: PerfCounter.
                                      Type: Cycle, PerfCounter, SystemTime.
         -StackWalk  flags|@file      Enable stack walking for the events
                                      specified as Flag+Flag+..., or parse 'file' 
                                      file for flags. Run "xperf -help stackwalk" 
                                      for more information.
         -Pids       pid [...]        Apply flags to processes pid [...].  Used in
                                      conjunction with private loggers.
         -PidNewProcess <command-line>   Apply flags to a new process xperf will 
                                      start with <command-line>.  Used in
                                      conjunction with private loggers.
         -heap                        Enable heap tracing in processes specified 
                                      by Pids and PidNewProcess.
         -critsec                     Enable critical section tracing in processes
                                      specified by Pids and PidNewProcess.
         -SetProfInt [<n>] [cached]   Set sampled profile interval to <n> [1221 ..
                                      10000000].  If "cached" is specified,
                                      intervals are cached in ETW and reapplied
                                      whenever new ETW kernel loggers with sampled
                                      profile are started. [Default: <n> = 10000; 
                                      not cached]
     Multiple loggers can be started using multiple -start options, each followed by
     the options to be applied to that logger.  If LoggerName, or -start LoggerName,
     is omitted, the Kernel Logger is implied.  Only a single instance of Kernel 
     Logger can exist at any time.  If one of the loggers fails to start, all the 
     already started loggers are stopped.

The only required argument to –start is a set of flags.  The definition of Flags says to look at xperf providers to see what the possible flags are.  The help for that command says:

 C:\xperf>xperf -help providers
     Providers Query options:
     xperf -providers [Installed|I] [Registered|R] [KernelFlags|KF] [KernelGroups|KG] [Kernel|K]
     Query all installed/known and registered providers, as well as all known kernel flags and groups.
     The following options are supported:
         I,  Installed    : include Installed/known providers
         R,  Registered   : include Registered providers
         KF, KernelFlags  : include Kernel Flags
         KG, KernelGroups : include Kernel Groups
         K,  Kernel       : include Kernel flags and groups; shortcut for "KF KG".
     If no options are specified, all providers are included in the output.

We want to look at DPC’s, so let’s dump just the kernel providers (if only because dumping all of them would probably exceed what I can post in one blog entry Smile).

 C:\xperf>xperf -providers K
 Kernel Flags:
        PROC_THREAD    : Process and Thread create/delete
        LOADER         : Kernel and user mode Image Load/Unload events
        PROFILE        : CPU Sample profile
        CSWITCH        : Context Switch
        COMPACT_CSWITCH: Compact Context Switch
        DISPATCHER     : CPU Scheduler
        DPC            : DPC Events
        INTERRUPT      : Interrupt events
        SYSCALL        : System calls
        PRIORITY       : Priority change events
        ALPC           : Advanced Local Procedure Call
        PERF_COUNTER   : Process Perf Counters
        DISK_IO        : Disk I/O
        DISK_IO_INIT   : Disk I/O Initiation
        FILE_IO        : File system operation end times and results
        FILE_IO_INIT   : File system operation (create/open/close/read/write)
        HARD_FAULTS    : Hard Page Faults
        FILENAME       : FileName (e.g., FileName create/delete/rundown)
        SPLIT_IO       : Split I/O
        REGISTRY       : Registry tracing
        DRIVERS        : Driver events
        POWER          : Power management events
        NETWORKTRACE   : Network events (e.g., tcp/udp send/receive)
        VIRT_ALLOC     : Virtual allocation reserve and release
        MEMINFO        : Memory List Info
        ALL_FAULTS     : All page faults including hard, Copy on write, demand zero faults, etc.
 Kernel Groups:
        SysProf        : PROC_THREAD+LOADER+PROFILE

That “Latency” group sounds interesting – it includes DPCs and interrupts along with process/thread create/delete and loader events (both of which it turns out are needed if you want to see what process anything is happening in).  So let’s start up a trace session for “Latency”. 

 C:\xperf>xperf -on Latency

Now to create some “load” I'll use WMP to watch the stock footage of a bear in the river.  Then I exit WMP and stop the trace:

 C:\xperf>xperf -stop
 C:\xperf>dir \kernel.etl
  Volume in drive C is Safe
  Volume Serial Number is 042D-D2B2
  Directory of C:\
 10/06/2008  04:52 PM        16,384,000 kernel.etl
                1 File(s)     16,384,000 bytes
                0 Dir(s)  57,208,664,064 bytes free

By default the kernel logger dumped all 16 MB of output into c:\kernel.etl.  Now if we want to see what’s in that file we can load it up with xperfview:

 C:\xperf>xperfview \kernel.etl


These are two of 15 different graphs that XPerf makes available from the .ETL file.  Here we can see the CPU time for both of my CPUs as well as a count of disk I/O operations in flight over the collection period.  I have pulled out the menu of “frames” that you can enable (clicking on the chevron in the middle will make it disappear or reappear).

Let’s say that I want to drill in on this a little bit, and look at CPU time just for a single process – say WMPLAYER.EXE since I was watching a video.  I can select the “CPU Sampling by Process” option from the frame list:


And then click the down arrow next to “Processes” and select just WMPLAYER.EXE (The short cut to do this is to click All, then click it again to unselect everything, then scroll and find just the one or two processes that you need").  If we do this with Disk Utilization as well, and remove the intervening frames we can get a side-by-side view of CPU activity and disk I/O for one process that looks like this:












We can also overlay the DPC activity on top of the CPU graph if we want.  Right click in the CPU Sampling by processor frame and choose “Overlay Graph” then “DPC CPU Usage” and “All” processors:


The red and blue lines are CPU 0 and CPU 1 respectively, with the yellow line still showing normal CPU utilization for WMPLAYER.EXE.

XPerfView also has the ability to show you your data in pivot-table form.  Let’s say we want to look at DPC CPU Utilization.  Right click on any frame showing DPC data (either the merged graph we just setup above, or re-enable the DPC frame from the frame list) and choose “Summary Table” and you’ll get something like this:




This is showing us every DPC event in the .ETL file.  The columns on the left of the yellow line control how the data is grouped and the columns to the right of the line show us the aggregate results for that grouping.  Here we’re grouped by module name and we can see the total count and average and max duration of all of the DPCs for that module.  NDIS stands out with a 2.6 ms DPC.  If you want to see every DPC in a particular module (sorted by “Enter Time”) you can click the + box next to the name and the view will expand.

Let’s say we want to see all the entries grouped not just by module but by the actual DPC routine within that module.  The function column shows us the address of the DPC routine that was executed.  If we drag that to the right of the yellow line we get a new grouping:


For each module we can see which DPC function is being called the most and which one is taking up so much time.  You can use this to find out other things, like which threads in WMP are taking up time and what thread routine they are running.  Go back and enable the CPU Utilization by processor frame then get a summary table for that:


This would all be more impressive if symbol loading were working.  In theory XPerf can load symbols and use them to determine the name of the function rather than just showing an address or “Unknown”.  However I’ve rarely gotten symbol loading to work, and when it does work it still seems pretty fragile.  If you use xperf –help symbols it provides some help on getting symbols working.

There’s one more handy trick that I found while I was trying to get symbols to work.  XPerf.exe has some processing options too.  XPerf –help processing shows us a list of the options:

 C:\xperf>xperf -help processing
     Trace Post-Processing options:
         xperf -I <trace file> ... [-o output] [-symbols ...] [-target {human|machine}]
                            [-a action ... [-a action ...] ...]
         -I       trace file       The trace file to be processed.
         -o       output file      Optional, the name of the file that output goes to.  If not
                                   given, stdout is used.
         -symbols [options]        Enable and configure symbol decoding support.
  See "xperf
                                   -help symbols" for detailed help
         -target  {human|machine}  Select the target audience of the output. Default is human.
         -quiet                    Do not print progress information.
         -tle                      Process the trace even in the presence of lost events.
         -tti                      Process the trace even in the presence of time inversions.
         -a       action ...       Optional, the actions to take.  Default action is to dump
                                   the event in text form.
         xperf -I trace.etl -o out.csv      : dump the events in trace.etl to file out.csv
         xperf -help registry               : print help on action registry
         xperf -I trace.etl -a registry     : print registry access statistics to stdout
         xperf -I trace32.etl trace64.etl -o out.csv : dump the events in trace32.etl and trace64.etl to file out.csv
     Available Actions:
         boot             Show boot and shutdown statistics
         bootprefetch     Show boot-time prefetching information
         cpudisk          Show CPU/Disk activity report
         cswitch          Show Context Switch data
         diskio           Show Disk IO Statistics
         dpcisr           Show DPC/ISR Statistics
         drvdelay         Show Driver delays
         dumper           Dump events in the trace in text form
         filename         Show File Names in the trace
         focuschange      Show the Windows thread focus change events in the trace
         hardfault        Show hard fault statistics by process and file.
         marks            Show Marks Information
         pagefault        Show page fault information in the trace
         perfctrs         Show process performance counters.
         pnp              Show PnP events in the trace
         prefetch         Show Prefetch Information
         process          Show process, thread, image information
         profile          Show Sampled profiler data
         readyBoot        Show ReadyBoot statistics
         registry         Show Registry Access Statistics
         services         Show service status information
         shutdown         Show shutdown statistics
         stack            Show Stack Information
         suspend          Show Suspend Transition Information
         sysconfig        Show System Configuration
         tracestats       Show Trace Statistics
         winlogon         Show Winlogon events in the trace
     xperf -help <action> [<action> ...] for detailed help
     If no action is present, dumper will be invoked.


Since this all started with DPC latency, let’s try out that dpcisr action, which will “Show DPC/ISR Statistics” and see what it has:

 C:\xperf>xperf -I \kernel.etl -symbols verbose -a dpcisr
 xperf: Using symbol path: srv*c:\DownstreamStore*
 xperf: Using executable path: srv*c:\DownstreamStore*
 xperf: Using SymCache path: c:\DownstreamStore
 DPC Info
 CPU Usage Summing By Module For the Whole Trace
 CPU Usage from 0 us to 24682000 us:
      CPU 0 Usage      CPU 1 Usage
      usec      %      usec      % Module
       248   0.00         0   0.00 CLASSPNP.SYS
        31   0.00         0   0.00 HTTP.sys
       562   0.00         0   0.00 NETIO.SYS
        17   0.00         0   0.00 Ntfs.sys
      5121   0.02         0   0.00 USBPORT.SYS
       273   0.00         0   0.00 afd.sys
     16752   0.07       135   0.00 ataport.SYS
       101   0.00        36   0.00 b57nd60x.sys
         1   0.00         0   0.00 fltmgr.sys
         5   0.00         0   0.00 hal.dll
      3851   0.02         0   0.00 i8042prt.sys
        14   0.00         0   0.00 luafv.sys
    981815   3.98         0   0.00 ndis.sys
       239   0.00         0   0.00 netbt.sys
      2364   0.01       227   0.00 ntkrnlpa.exe
     37360   0.15         0   0.00 portcls.sys
       119   0.00       103   0.00 rassstp.sys
       317   0.00         0   0.00 rdbss.sys
        27   0.00        17   0.00 srv.sys
         4   0.00         0   0.00 srvnet.sys
     62926   0.25     49358   0.20 tcpip.sys
      5054   0.02         0   0.00 usbhub.sys
         6   0.00         0   0.00 watchdog.sys
 Total = 43599
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,     49, or   0.11%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,    379, or   0.87%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,  10388, or  23.83%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   9765, or  22.40%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,   7806, or  17.90%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,   3885, or   8.91%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,   5375, or  12.33%
 Elapsed Time, >       64 usecs AND <=      128 usecs,   5175, or  11.87%
 Elapsed Time, >      128 usecs AND <=      256 usecs,    639, or   1.47%
 Elapsed Time, >      256 usecs AND <=      512 usecs,     55, or   0.13%
 Elapsed Time, >      512 usecs AND <=     1024 usecs,     55, or   0.13%
 Elapsed Time, >     1024 usecs AND <=     2048 usecs,     22, or   0.05%
 Elapsed Time, >     2048 usecs AND <=     4096 usecs,      6, or   0.01%
 Total,                                                 43599
 Total = 10 for module CLASSPNP.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      2, or  20.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      3, or  30.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      5, or  50.00%
 Total,                                                    10
 Total = 8 for module HTTP.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      1, or  12.50%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      3, or  37.50%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      4, or  50.00%
 Total,                                                     8
 Total = 124 for module NETIO.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     57, or  45.97%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,     61, or  49.19%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      5, or   4.03%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      1, or   0.81%
 Total,                                                   124
 Total = 5 for module Ntfs.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      4, or  80.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      1, or  20.00%
 Total,                                                     5
 Total = 481 for module USBPORT.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     81, or  16.84%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,     64, or  13.31%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    257, or  53.43%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,     76, or  15.80%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      3, or   0.62%
 Total,                                                   481
 Total = 44 for module afd.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      1, or   2.27%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      3, or   6.82%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,     30, or  68.18%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      9, or  20.45%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      1, or   2.27%
 Total,                                                    44
 Total = 736 for module ataport.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     15, or   2.04%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,     28, or   3.80%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    207, or  28.13%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,    335, or  45.52%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,    139, or  18.89%
 Elapsed Time, >       64 usecs AND <=      128 usecs,     12, or   1.63%
 Total,                                                   736
 Total = 50 for module b57nd60x.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,     23, or  46.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     19, or  38.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      6, or  12.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      1, or   2.00%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      1, or   2.00%
 Total,                                                    50
 Total = 1 for module fltmgr.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      1, or 100.00%
 Total,                                                     1
 Total = 1 for module hal.dll
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      1, or 100.00%
 Total,                                                     1
 Total = 329 for module i8042prt.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      9, or   2.74%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    298, or  90.58%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,     22, or   6.69%
 Total,                                                   329
 Total = 5 for module luafv.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      1, or  20.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      3, or  60.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      1, or  20.00%
 Total,                                                     5
 Total = 32833 for module ndis.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,    178, or   0.54%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,   9073, or  27.63%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   7653, or  23.31%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,   4082, or  12.43%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,   1930, or   5.88%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,   4425, or  13.48%
 Elapsed Time, >       64 usecs AND <=      128 usecs,   4727, or  14.40%
 Elapsed Time, >      128 usecs AND <=      256 usecs,    627, or   1.91%
 Elapsed Time, >      256 usecs AND <=      512 usecs,     55, or   0.17%
 Elapsed Time, >      512 usecs AND <=     1024 usecs,     55, or   0.17%
 Elapsed Time, >     1024 usecs AND <=     2048 usecs,     22, or   0.07%
 Elapsed Time, >     2048 usecs AND <=     4096 usecs,      6, or   0.02%
 Total,                                                 32833
 Total = 10 for module netbt.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,     10, or 100.00%
 Total,                                                    10
 Total = 597 for module ntkrnlpa.exe
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,     43, or   7.20%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,    129, or  21.61%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,    344, or  57.62%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,     50, or   8.38%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      4, or   0.67%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      3, or   0.50%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,     23, or   3.85%
 Elapsed Time, >       64 usecs AND <=      128 usecs,      1, or   0.17%
 Total,                                                   597
 Total = 2087 for module portcls.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      1, or   0.05%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,    216, or  10.35%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    675, or  32.34%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,   1076, or  51.56%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,    119, or   5.70%
 Total,                                                  2087
 Total = 100 for module rassstp.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,     37, or  37.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     62, or  62.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      1, or   1.00%
 Total,                                                   100
 Total = 99 for module rdbss.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     87, or  87.88%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      8, or   8.08%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,      4, or   4.04%
 Total,                                                    99
 Total = 13 for module srv.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      1, or   7.69%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      8, or  61.54%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      4, or  30.77%
 Total,                                                    13
 Total = 2 for module srvnet.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      1, or  50.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      1, or  50.00%
 Total,                                                     2
 Total = 4998 for module tcpip.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      1, or   0.02%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,     48, or   0.96%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   1242, or  24.85%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,   2179, or  43.60%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,    421, or   8.42%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,    660, or  13.21%
 Elapsed Time, >       64 usecs AND <=      128 usecs,    435, or   8.70%
 Elapsed Time, >      128 usecs AND <=      256 usecs,     12, or   0.24%
 Total,                                                  4998
 Total = 1060 for module usbhub.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,    579, or  54.62%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,    386, or  36.42%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,     85, or   8.02%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      9, or   0.85%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      1, or   0.09%
 Total,                                                  1060
 Total = 6 for module watchdog.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      3, or  50.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      3, or  50.00%
 Total,                                                     6
 All Module =  43599,  Total = 43599,   EQUAL
 Usage From 0 ms to 24682 ms, Summing In 1 second intervals. Intervals=25
                              CPU 0 Usage       CPU 1 Usage
 Start (ms) End (ms)        (usec)      %     (usec)      %
          0-1000      :     33992,   3.40       897,   0.09
       1000-2000      :     24437,   2.44      1332,   0.13
       2000-3000      :     42317,   4.23      4510,   0.45
       3000-4000      :     40179,   4.02      1757,   0.18
       4000-5000      :     34190,   3.42       988,   0.10
       5000-6000      :     19434,   1.94      2066,   0.21
       6000-7000      :     25339,   2.53      2618,   0.26
       7000-8000      :     46758,   4.68      1691,   0.17
       8000-9000      :     81696,   8.17      1998,   0.20
       9000-10000     :     77932,   7.79      1500,   0.15
      10000-11000     :     64336,   6.43      1684,   0.17
      11000-12000     :     45099,   4.51      2311,   0.23
      12000-13000     :     59469,   5.95      1890,   0.19
      13000-14000     :     44035,   4.40      2393,   0.24
      14000-15000     :     50393,   5.04      2455,   0.25
      15000-16000     :     71508,   7.15      1694,   0.17
      16000-17000     :     56853,   5.69      2054,   0.21
      17000-18000     :     63219,   6.32      4046,   0.40
      18000-19000     :     62428,   6.24      4742,   0.47
      19000-20000     :     33793,   3.38      1134,   0.11
      20000-21000     :     28147,   2.81       759,   0.08
      21000-22000     :     30630,   3.06       640,   0.06
      22000-23000     :     33294,   3.33       710,   0.07
      23000-24000     :     26121,   2.61      1819,   0.18
      24000-24682     :     21608,   3.17      2177,   0.32
 Interrupt Info
 CPU Usage Summing By Module For the Whole Trace
 CPU Usage from 0 us to 24682000 us:
      CPU 0 Usage      CPU 1 Usage
      usec      %      usec      % Module
     10420   0.04         0   0.00 USBPORT.SYS
     46437   0.19         0   0.00 VIDEOPRT.SYS
       125   0.00         0   0.00 acpi.sys
      7657   0.03         0   0.00 ataport.SYS
      8722   0.04         0   0.00 i8042prt.sys
     72940   0.30         0   0.00 ndis.sys
     13633   0.06         0   0.00 portcls.sys
 Total = 48319
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,  12026, or  24.89%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,  24954, or  51.64%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   9693, or  20.06%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,   1611, or   3.33%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,     29, or   0.06%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      6, or   0.01%
 Total,                                                 48319
 Total = 2256 for module USBPORT.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,    602, or  26.68%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   1556, or  68.97%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,     97, or   4.30%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      1, or   0.04%
 Total,                                                  2256
 Total = 20976 for module VIDEOPRT.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,  12026, or  57.33%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,   7821, or  37.29%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   1081, or   5.15%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,     43, or   0.20%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      1, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      4, or   0.02%
 Total,                                                 20976
 Total = 11 for module acpi.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,     11, or 100.00%
 Total,                                                    11
 Total = 811 for module ataport.SYS
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,    225, or  27.74%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    574, or  70.78%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,     12, or   1.48%
 Total,                                                   811
 Total = 1178 for module i8042prt.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,    905, or  76.83%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    260, or  22.07%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,     12, or   1.02%
 Elapsed Time, >       32 usecs AND <=       64 usecs,      1, or   0.08%
 Total,                                                  1178
 Total = 20976 for module ndis.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,  16181, or  77.14%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   4713, or  22.47%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,     81, or   0.39%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      1, or   0.00%
 Total,                                                 20976
 Total = 2111 for module portcls.sys
 Elapsed Time, >        0 usecs AND <=        1 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        1 usecs AND <=        2 usecs,      0, or   0.00%
 Elapsed Time, >        2 usecs AND <=        4 usecs,    350, or  16.58%
 Elapsed Time, >        4 usecs AND <=        8 usecs,   1213, or  57.46%
 Elapsed Time, >        8 usecs AND <=       16 usecs,    545, or  25.82%
 Elapsed Time, >       16 usecs AND <=       32 usecs,      3, or   0.14%
 Total,                                                  2111
 All Module =  48319,  Total = 48319,   EQUAL
 Usage From 0 ms to 24682 ms, Summing In 1 second intervals. Intervals=25
                              CPU 0 Usage       CPU 1 Usage
 Start (ms) End (ms)        (usec)      %     (usec)      %
          0-1000      :      5820,   0.58         0,   0.00
       1000-2000      :      3686,   0.37         0,   0.00
       2000-3000      :      6472,   0.65         0,   0.00
       3000-4000      :      5410,   0.54         0,   0.00
       4000-5000      :      4638,   0.46         0,   0.00
       5000-6000      :      2420,   0.24         0,   0.00
       6000-7000      :      2793,   0.28         0,   0.00
       7000-8000      :      5988,   0.60         0,   0.00
       8000-9000      :     12071,   1.21         0,   0.00
       9000-10000     :     12461,   1.25         0,   0.00
      10000-11000     :      9816,   0.98         0,   0.00
      11000-12000     :      8206,   0.82         0,   0.00
      12000-13000     :      8926,   0.89         0,   0.00
      13000-14000     :      6189,   0.62         0,   0.00
      14000-15000     :      7649,   0.76         0,   0.00
      15000-16000     :      9613,   0.96         0,   0.00
      16000-17000     :      8431,   0.84         0,   0.00
      17000-18000     :      7618,   0.76         0,   0.00
      18000-19000     :      7212,   0.72         0,   0.00
      19000-20000     :      4813,   0.48         0,   0.00
      20000-21000     :      3925,   0.39         0,   0.00
      21000-22000     :      4557,   0.46         0,   0.00
      22000-23000     :      5169,   0.52         0,   0.00
      23000-24000     :      3489,   0.35         0,   0.00
      24000-24682     :      2552,   0.37         0,   0.00
 Distribution of number of 2000 ms intervals w.r.t. DPC/ISR usage:
                                       CPU 0                      CPU 1
  DPC/ISR Usage %      DPC      ISR Combined      DPC      ISR Combined
 >=  0 AND <=   1        0       12        0       13       13       13
 >   1 AND <=   5        8        1        7        0        0        0
 >   5 AND <=  10        5        0        6        0        0        0
 >  10 AND <=  20        0        0        0        0        0        0
 >  20 AND <=  40        0        0        0        0        0        0
 >  40 AND <=  60        0        0        0        0        0        0
 >  60 AND <=  80        0        0        0        0        0        0
 >  80 AND <= 100        0        0        0        0        0        0
 Total:                 13       13       13       13       13       13

Which is a pretty nice summary of all the DPCs and ISRs that ran during the data collection period and how long they ran for.

I like XPerf a lot and it’s something we plan to use in WDF to collect data around specific performance scenarios.  In particular its ability to tie system performance data together with custom ETW events logged by components (like, say, UMDF) gives a very nice way to see how the parts of an end-to-end performance scenario break down temporarily and also to see how the scenario either causes system activity or is impacted by system activity.

I just wish I could get the symbols working Smile.


  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2009
    Hi Peter, Glad to see you like xperf - there is a lot of power built into that little tool :) If you still have trouble getting your symbols to work, you can get support on it at the public WPT forum hosted at Cheers, Michael

  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2011
    It's interesting but I wonder how it works. I wanna know how to get the cpu time slice of a given or some processes just because I'm working on a tiny project and I need to calculate the cpu usage of some processes periodically, are there any APIs/performance databases that would allow me to do this? Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2011
    It's interesting but I wonder how it works. I wanna know how to get the cpu time slice of a given or some processes just because I'm working on a tiny project and I need to calculate the cpu usage of some processes periodically, are there any APIs/performance databases that would allow me to do this? Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2011
    Hi Cna someone help me? i need to check that in window of 10ms DPC duration is no more than 4ms How can i check it in xperf?