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Missing Connected Show #38? Check out Dmitry Lyalin on Tech News Weekly

tnw-podcast-logo “Connected Show #38 where are you?!” That’s a question I’ve been hearing from some folks worrying about the fate of the podcast that Dmitry Lyalin & I co-host.  It’s been about 2 months since Dmitry & I published a new episode of the Connected Show. 

So what gives?  Is the Connected Show “dead like Silverlight”?  Hmmm… well, for the snarky out there amongst you, the answer could be “yes”!  (<— that being that Silverlight is NOT dead, of course!)  I suppose you could say we’ve been “on hiatus” or in the “off-season” like your favorite TV shows that go away for a while to recharge their batteries for a new season. 

The reality is, it takes a lot of work to produce a bi-weekly show.  With our day jobs pulling more of our respective work hours, we unexpectedly put things on hold for a while as Dmitry ramped up on a new consulting gig, and our MSDN Firestarter event season kicked into high gear.  

DmitryHeadshot2Have no fear though!  The Connected Show is alive and well… and show #38 is on the editing table right now. We may be tweaking the format, length, and topic areas over the coming weeks, but we have a bunch of great shows lined up.  So stay tuned over at

In the meantime, if you’ve been missing your dosage of Dmitry’s Soapbox, you can listen to Dmitry’s recent guest appearance on Tech News Weekly!  Tech News Weekly is a news show on the “Guys From Queens” web-based television network.  Dmitry got the chance to talk about Windows Phone 7, XBox Kinect, and among other things. He even painted a great visual picture of his JrzyShr Dev Guy podcast co-host (around 45 minute mark).