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Nordic SAM Summit 2014

Dear partners, Welcome to the SAM Summit for partners from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. You are invited as part of our dedicated community, as SAM Gold or Silver Partner and we are offering an extensive agenda for Partner Management, SAM Managers and SAM Program Managers. The theme is “Grow your business with SAM”!

This year Dagfinn Ringås and Jonas Alstermark, SMS&P Directors in Norway and Sweden will kick off the summit with their view of SAM as a business driver. Other speakers include Mike Kennedy, managing the Worldwide SAM Partner Program at Microsoft Corp, and Justin Slane, SAM Director. If you are interested in a meeting with any of the participants, speakers or another SAM-partner – pre, during or post to the conference – please let us know and we will set up the meeting for you.

As on previous summits, we are planning to host an interactive and rewarding meeting for you as a partner. If you have any wishes for the agenda or topics that you would like to discuss – please contact your local SAM team.

Summit fee (including single room hotel, excl. room service) SEK 2500 to be settled by participants when checking out Tuesday. If you have any special needs please let us know when registering to the Summit.

We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm in March!

The Microsoft SAM-teams in
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Date: March 3-4, 2014

Time: Monday start at 10.30 and Tuesday end at 15.00

Radisson Royal Park

Summit Fee:

SEK2 500

(SEK700 as Day Guest)

Last day of registration:
Feb 14

Register your participation:


Monday March 3

  • 10:00 Arrival & registration
  • 10:30 Welcome
  • 10:45 Key note “The Future with SAM” Dagfinn Ringås and Jonas Alstermark
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 “Grow Your Business with SAM” Mike Kennedy, Microsoft corp
  • 14:30 Coffee
  • 15:00 “How to maximize the results of SAM” Justin Slane, Microsoft corp
  • 16:00 “Successful SAM Sales Planning”
  • 17:00  Networking
  • 18:30  Dinner


Tuesday March 4

  • 8:00 Breakfast
  • 9:00 “How you deliver best quality ELPs and SAM results” Nordic SAM Team
  • 10:30 Coffee
  • 11:00 ”Microsoft audits” Mick McNeill, Microsoft LCC Ireland
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 ”SAM Project Management” Hilde Lervik, Microsoft Norway
  • 15:00 Wrap Up


Tuesday March 4 – parallel sessions

  • 9:00 Workshop “How to Grow Your Business with SAM” for partners – by invitation only.
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 Wrap Up


If your company is looking into becoming a Microsoft SAM partner and would like to join the summit, please contact Hilde Lervik,, we will try to accommodate as many partners as possible.