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Microsoft Partner Incentives | Solution Incentive retirement oppdatering

With the retirement of Solution Incentives on January 1, 2014, Microsoft is
committed to providing you with the necessary support and tools to maximize
your existing pipeline over the next 30 days. Please review the critical
timeline below for key dates and associated activities.

While you focus on the opportunities in your pipeline that will close by December 31,
2013, Microsoft will be reviewing all existing incentive requests, resolving
issues related to Opportunity data, and surfacing any blockers that can be
resolved together. You can expect regular updates on the status of your current
incentive pipeline and an effort to recognize and pay incentives for all valid
transactions that occur before the end of the calendar year.

Pipeline Hygiene | Understanding the Steps

For an incentive request to result in payment, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Incentive Request must be associated with an Opportunity at 40% sales stage or greater


  • Business rules (e.g., eligible products) must be met


  • Microsoft must mark an incentive request “validated” in PSX


  • Eligible revenue, as defined in the Solution Incentive Guide, must transact on a valid agreement type


  • Partners must have an active CHIP account with correct banking details

To help you move through this process, we are utilizing an approach consisting of:
expedited inspections, and alerts when errors (wrong sales stage, no products
attached, no product revenue, multiple workloads attached) in their incentive
requests are found.

Critical Timeline

As we near the Solution Incentive retirement date of January 1, 2014, here are the
key dates and activities you should be aware of:





Last day for Partners to request Solution Incentives in PSX (Incentives tabsdisabled on 12/2/2013)


Solution Incentives payments will be based on all transactions processed up to December  31, 2013


Solution Incentive Partners will have historical views but will no longer be able to  update existing Solution Incentive requests in PSX. Partners with multiple  competencies will still have permission to process in other eligible  incentives per their respective program rules.


Deadline for partners to resolve stuck/stranded incentives by updating their bank  details in CHIP


Deadline  for Partners to provide Customer/Agreement matching data (if applicable), POE content


Final calculations processed (including any exceptions)


Final payments processed for Solution Incentives


Where can I go with my questions?

Leverage the support aliases as described in the Execution Guide for more information or
for the status or eligibility of specific opportunities:

Solution Incentives MPN Page:

Partner Company’s specific Regional Service Center (RSC):

Transactional Partner support: Regional Operations Center via the Call Logging Tool (CLT):

Thank you,

Microsoft Partner Incentives