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Bli med på årets partnerkonferanse. Verv-en-venn og få rabatt på konferansepasset

Har du allerede meldt deg på WPC? eller har du bestemt deg for å dra, men vil gjerne ha med en venn eller kollega?

Nå er tiden inne for å registrere seg. Vi ønsker å premiere de som verver en venn eller kollega til WPC. Spre til dine venner og kollegaer at de får $100 rabatt på sitt konferanse pass hvis de oppgir ditt navn og email adresse når de registrerer seg. Du får deretter $100 refundert hvis både navn og email adresse er i samsvar med den informasjonen du registrerte deg med.

Dette tilbudet varer kun til 23. mai kl. 08.59 så registrer deg i dag! 

Registrer deg her.

Lurer du på hvorfor du bør bli med på årets partnerkonferanse? Les mer om den spennende og innholdsrike uken her.

Har du spørsmål angående WPC ta kontakt med:

Cathrine Golf,

See below for important details:

* The WPC registration team will process refunds based on the first name, last name, and email address provided by referrer and will match this to the registered attendee list. The first and last name provided must be identical to that associated with your registration.  

* Referrer names cannot be added after the attendee has completed registration. It must be provided during the registration process, prior to completion.

* Validation of an individual having been referred and confirmation of refunds cannot be provided due to Microsoft privacy rules.

* Individuals who received a complimentary partner all-access pass are not eligible to participate or receive a refund for referring registrants (since no payment was received, a refund cannot be provided).

* Refunds are provided post event via the same method of payment used. No refunds for any reason will be issued after September 14, 2014.

Terms and Conditions

* You’re invited to refer a friend or colleague to register for WPC. This promotion is not limited to colleagues of your firm or business only.

* “Referrer” is defined as a partner who registered for WPC and paid more than US$1,000 for a WPC all-access pass.

* “Referral” is defined as an individual, who could be a friend and/or colleague of the referrer, who provided the first name, last name, and email address of the referrer at the time of registration when prompted with the question, “Were you referred?” The referrer is a registered partner who paid more than US$1,000 for a WPC all-access pass.  

* “Event” is defined as the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) to be held in Washington, D.C. July 13 -17, 2014.

* When a friend or colleague (“Referral”) registers for the event, WPC, and properly inputs the Referrer’s first name, last name, and email address that corresponds with the Referrer’s registration, the Referrer will receive a refund of US$100 after the event has completed and no later than September 14, 2014.

* The WPC registration team will process refunds to a Referrer based on the first and last name provided, and email address provided by the Referral, that corresponds with the Referrer’s initial registration. We will match this to the registered attendee list associated with registration. If there is a discrepancy or error in how this information is provided, if there are technical, hardware, or software malfunctions, lost or unavailable network connections, failed, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, garbled, or delayed communications, whether caused by the sender or by any of the equipment or programming associated with this, or by human error, Microsoft is not responsible.

* Referrer names cannot be added after the attendee has completed the registration process. It must be provided during the registration process, prior to completion of the registration process.

* Multiple Referrer’s cannot receive credit for a single Referral. Only one Referrer can receive a US$100 refund per individual Referrer.

* Due to Microsoft privacy rules, the Referrer will not receive the names of the individuals they referred or validation or confirmation that an individual registered.   

* If a Referrer’s first name, last name, and email address is not provided during the registration process, a refund will not be issued to a Referrer.

* If a Referrer’s first name, last name, and email address is incorrectly provided during the registration process, a refund will not be issued to a Referrer.

* Refunds will only be provided for up to ten 10 unique, individual referrals, up to a maximum of US$1,000.

* To qualify to receive a refund for referring, you must have previously purchased a WPC all-access pass and paid greater than $1,000.

* Individuals who previously received a complimentary partner all-access pass or discount for a partner all-access pass that resulted in less than US$1,000 being paid, are not eligible to participate or receive a refund for referring registrants. (since little or no payment was received, we cannot provide a refund.)

* Refunds are provided post event via the same method of payment used. No refunds for any reason will be issued after September 14, 2013.

* One all access pass may be purchased per person using the referrer’s first name, last name, and email address.

* Entering a referrer’s first name, last name and email address that corresponds with their registration provides for $100 off the full price of a WPC all access pass. Purchase price after the discount will be US$1,695, not including any taxes or fees that may be imposed.

* This promotion does not apply to day passes or expo day passes.

* You are not allowed to re-sell pre-purchased passes to WPC 2014. The WPC Event Team reserves the right to rescind the pass at any time.

* Microsoft reserves the right to amend or change these terms and conditions at any time.

* You may expect to receive additional communication from and / or

* The following companies and their employees and representatives are excluded from purchasing passes for, attending and / or participating in WPC 2014 and affiliated events:

1. Google


3. VMware