Announcing Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services 1.0
I know this is a little bit off topic but it’s cool enough that I thought you might appreciate a heads up, plus it can’t be all OpsMgr all the time can it? Anyway, a few days ago we launched the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services where with one click we can detect problems on your machine and automatically fix any common problems that are found. I know just about all of you reading this are computer experts and can fix these types of issues faster than you can run a wizard but if you’re like me, there’s always a friend or coworker (or parent) somewhere needing this kind of stuff fixed and if so maybe you can forward this along and save yourself some time.
Some of the major features include:
- Launches Vista self-help scripted diagnostics from the web.
- Displays web content dynamically according to the OS
- Installs PowerShell automatically
- Uses smart analytics and interactive diagnosis to determine the exact issue.
- Applies the resolution
- Verifies the resolution by re-running issue detection
- Displays information regarding fix status
- Provides next steps if unable to resolve issue.
You can try it yourself here but I have a couple screen shots below that walk through the basic process:
Once you visit the site, specify the type of issue you’re having:
In my example I chose CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media. Once you get to this screen just click Run now:
It then asks you whether it should simply fix the problem it finds or if you’d like to verify the fix before applying it:
Then it scans your computer:
And scans some more:
Once it’s complete it displays any problems it's found. I told it to fix any problems automatically so it shows the status as Fixed:
If for whatever reason it is unable to resolve the issue it offers you alternative methods to fix your computer:
Piece of cake, right? And be sure to check back often as we’re adding new solutions all the time. Try it yourself at
J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
January 01, 2003
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December 03, 2015
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