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Download the Microsoft® Office 365 Integration Module Beta for Windows® Small Business Server 2011 Essentials Today!

This week marks the beta release of the highly anticipated Microsoft Office 365 Integration Module (OIM) for Small Business Server 2011 Essentials. The OIM allows small businesses to seamlessly combine the cloud-based productivity tools of Office 365 with the infrastructure provided by SBS 2011 Essentials, a first-server designed and priced especially for small businesses with limited in-house IT resources. The joint technologies provide businesses with an affordable hybrid solution that helps protect data, organize and provide access to business information from virtually anywhere, and support the applications that enable the business to run smoothly and efficiently.

The Office 365 Integration Module joins the Windows® 7 Professional Pack for Small Business Server 2011 and the Windows® Server Solutions Phone Connector Add-in to help provide a flexible, comprehensive, and powerful solution for small businesses. If you are currently taking advantage of either SBS 2011 Essentials or Office 365, we encourage you to use this opportunity to experience the collective benefits of both products. Get ready today by downloading the Office 365 Integration Module Beta and discover how SBS 2011 Essentials and Office 365 work better together to help improve productivity and business efficiency.

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