Compartilhar via IntelliSense, High Score List, Publishing, Dynamic Ranking, Live Feed

Today, the Pex team is thrilled to announce a great makeover for, adding several new features:



That’s right, when you hit the ‘.’ after a name in the code editor, you get code completion, in your browser. Just as in Visual Studio!

Well, almost. It currently only works for a subset of C#, and only for a few trigger keys. We are working on it; check back soon for an even better experience. The Pex team would like to thank Herman Venter for his help in getting this feature working.

High Score List

imageClick the new Community link on the main page to see how your Coding Duel skills compare to other people! In the community area, you find High Score Lists, as well as Coding Duels that other people have published.  Sign in and check the High Score List box in your Settings to allow other people to see your nickname in the High Score List. (Btw: We have replaced the earlier medal concept with an easier points concept.)


imageWinning a Coding Duel feels great, but what is even more fulfilling is creating a new Coding Duel and see other people win it! It’s easy now, just follow this tutorial, and your very own Coding Duels will appear on the website, together with your nickname.

Dynamic Ranking

image Did you ever wonder what Coding Duels other people were already able to win (or not)? We now show you just that when you click on the Choose button to select any existing Coding Duel – provided by the Pex for fun team, or published by people like you – or simple puzzle.

Live Feed

imageDid you ever wonder what Coding Duels other people are winning (or not) right now? Maybe someone is trying to win a Coding Duel you published? Then click the Live Feed button! (Sign in and check the Live Feed box in your Settings to allow other people to see your nickname in the Live Feed.)


  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2010
    I love how you took Pex to the next level which in turn makes ordinary developers like me think differently about testing - excellent! Also, I enjoy that Pex takes a ProjectEuler take on community building - Challenge and Reward stepped up a notch! Great job.