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Roslyn development environment setup and ramp-up plan

Roslyn Installation


You may want to read following links in order to get started.

Do not forget to look at the installed code samples. These samples are installed along with Roslyn CTP and are located at C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Microsoft Roslyn CTP - September 2012\

Environment setup- Tools

Syntax Visualizer extension


Syntax Visualizer extension allows user to view the syntax tree of any code in the Roslyn instance. You can use following command to open the Roslyn instance

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /rootSuffix Roslyn

and then view the syntax tree in VS Roslyn instance as follows:





Syntax Visualizer extension is available in Roslyn CTP samples located under the user documents directory. To install this sample, just complile the solution located at

C:\Users\ <username> \Documents\Microsoft Roslyn CTP - September 2012\Shared\SyntaxVisualizerExtension\SyntaxVisualizerExtension.sln


SyntaxDebuggerVisualizer allows user to view the syntax tree in the quick-view debugger window. As follows:

To install SyntaxDebuggerVisualizer, compile the solution located at

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Microsoft Roslyn CTP - September 2012\Shared\SyntaxDebuggerVisualizer\SyntaxDebuggerVisualizer.sln

and place the output under

C:\Users\njai0\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Visualizers

Roslyn Code Quoter

Roslyn Code Quoter Tool - generating syntax tree API calls that result in a given C# program. The tool is helpful especially in node generation and replacement. The tool and its installation instructions can be found at