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Chris Liddell appointed as new Chief Financial Officer at Microsoft.

It not often that I receive an email from Steve Ballmer... so whenever I do I make sure I take notice... especially one that references New Zealand three times and rugby once ;)

I was particularly interested to read the news regarding the appointment of Chris Liddell as the new Chief Financial Officer at Microsoft.

I know as kiwi's we love to cling to anything that has a New Zealand connection... Lord of the Rings, America's Cup, Russell Crowe... to name a few... but in this case it is IMHO a "Big Deal"... New Zealand Herald, TV One News Online, Computerworld,, National Business Review... from a man who is quoted as saying "One of our defining strengths is our relative youth as a nation. With youth comes flexibility and a continued desire to challenge the status quo."... lets hope that is a message that Chris is taking to the world.