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Switch to Edit Site doesn’t work in MCMS 2002

When you click Switch to Edit Site on a published posting in Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 to create content, the page got refreshed, but the page does not switch to edit mode from live mode. Also the Web Author console does not display.

This problem may occur because of customization of IIS_CMS folder. MCMS 2002 SP2 patch upgrade this folder and files contain in it. Because of the customization Web Authoring console does not display.

To resolve this problem, clear the Internet Explorer file cache and follow these steps:

1. Click Start, got to RUN prompt, and then type “Inetmgr”.

2. Expand your CMS (Example WoodgrooveInternational) site, Right click to CMS site virtual Directory. Go to properties

3. Check the value of “Local path:”, if it contains the value apart from “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Content Management Server\Server\IIS_CMS” then please change it back to this value.

4. Browse the site, now you switch to Edit once again.

NOTE: - If you would like bring back your customization then create new folder and copy the upgraded folder. Manually do the customization once again.