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Mac users needed in San Francisco Bay Area

My team is conducting a usability study in Mountain View, California, the week of March 16, 2009. In this study, we're looking at users who are Mac users, employed full-time, use their Macs for work, and collaborate on documents with other co-workers.

If you are in the Mountain View area and are willing to spend a couple of hours with one of my colleagues to help us improve our software (not to mention getting a sneak peak of what we're working on!), please email with the subject line "Mac usability study". When you email her, please include a phone number that we can reach you on. She'll call or email you back to ask you some additional questions to make sure you meet our needs for this particular study.

My team has lots more research coming up. I've got a bunch of Entourage usability lab studies coming up, with the next one slated for late March. If you're in the area and would like to participate in one of those Mac studies, you can sign up here. (Please don't email the address above -- that's only for the study in a couple of weeks.)

If you've got questions, just leave a comment.