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Talking About Hadoop on Windows

A few folks have asked, so I decided to put the data in one place.  We'll be talking more about Hadoop at TechEd North America and Hadoop Summit next week, and then later in the month at TechEd Europe.  

Here are the sessions we're presenting:

  • TechEd (NA and Europe, links are to NA sessions)
    • Learn Big Data Application Development on Windows Azure -- Wenming Ye
      • Web 2.0 companies have been fully taking advantage of Hadoop based open source tools to tackle Big Data needs. Microsoft now offers the best of both worlds with its own Hadoop solution on Windows Azure with full compatibility and additional rich toolsets. This session is a "getting-started" tutorial on developing Big Data applications on Windows Azure. We cover application scenarios, Hadoop on Azure, tools, and applied data analytics. More importantly, we show you how to put everything together with a couple of sample applications
    • Big Data, Big Deal? -- Gert Drapers
      • Are you ready for the exploding world of big data? Do you know the difference between Hive and Pig? Do you know why MapReduce is being taught in many universities rather than SQL? If not, pay attention because this talk will help get you started in understanding this new world. While sometimes the Hadoop toolkit (which includes HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, and Sqoop) is used as an alternative to relational database systems such as SQL Server, more frequently customers are using it as a complementary tool. Sometimes it may be used as an ETL tool or to perform an initial analysis of a freshly acquired data set to determine whether or not it is worth loading into the data warehouse, and sometimes to process massive data sets that are too big to even contemplate loading into all but the very largest data warehouses. In addition to covering the basics of the various parts of the Hadoop stack, this talk discusses the strengths and weakness of the Hadoop approach compared to that provided by relational database systems and explores how the two technologies can be used productively in conjunction with one another.
    • Harnessing Big Data With Hadoop
      • Attend this session to learn about the Hadoop Big Data solution from Microsoft that unlocks insights on all your data, including structured and unstructured data of any size. Accelerate your analytics with a Hadoop service that offers integration with Microsoft BI and the ability to enrich your models with publicly available data. Finally, learn about our roadmap for Hadoop on Windows Server and Windows Azure and for broadening access to Hadoop through simplified deployment, management and programming, including JavaScript integration
  • Hadoop Summit
    • Unleash Insights On All Data With Microsoft Big Data -- Tim Mallalieu
      • Do you plan to extract insights from mountains of data, including unstructured data that is growing faster than ever? Attend this session to learn about Microsoft’s Big Data solution that unlocks insights on all your data, including structured and unstructured data of any size. Accelerate your analytics with a Hadoop service that offers deep integration with Microsoft BI and the ability to enrich your models with publicly available data from outside your firewall. Come and see how Microsoft is broadening access to Hadoop through dramatically simplified deployment, management and programming, including full support for JavaScript.
    • How Klout is changing the landscape of social media with Hadoop and BI -- Denny Lee, David Mariani (VP of Engineering, Klout)
      • In this age of Big Data, data volumes grow exceedingly larger while the technical problems and business scenarios become more complex. Compounding these complexities, data consumers are demanding faster analysis to common business questions asked of their Big Data. This session provides concrete examples of how to address this challenge. We will highlight the use of Big Data technologies—including Hadoop and Hive —with classic BI systems such as SQL Server Analysis Services.

        Session takeaways:
        • Understand the architectural components surrounding Hadoop, Hive, Classic BI, and the Tier-1 BI ecosystem
        • Get strategies for addressing the technical issues when working with extremely large cubes
        • See how to address the technical issues when working with Big Data systems from the DBA perspective

I think that there is a pretty nice mix of Hadoop, Microsoft plans, and applications across these sessions.  Hope you get a chance to see them (or watch them after the events!)