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MVPs Join Week of Openness Event in Taipei

In Taipei, Taiwan, a number of MVPs recently joined a week-long, Microsoft DX-sponsored community event highlighting the open source community, encouraging greater collaboration and understanding of cross-platform solutions.

OSS Taipai

It’s been a couple of years now since the MVP Award Program began recognizing OSS community contributions as part of the award structure. (You can see @shanselman great announcement about those changes here.)

And last October, to support that commitment to openness across communities and across Microsoft product teams, we updated the MVP Award to include cross-technology award categories.

The recent event in Taipei continued that trend, when more than 1,400 community members from R, Docker, Raspberry Pi and SITCON came together with MVPs and Microsoft team members for “The Week of Openness.” Topics included Microsoft Azure ML with R, IoT on Raspberry PI, DevOps, Visual Studio Code, the Community Rising Start Academy, BizSpark, Imagine Cup and Windows 10.

“Raspberry Pi, the first credit card–sized single-board computer, is highly popular and of course Microsoft wouldn't miss this maker movement: it lets the newest Windows 10 Core support RPi. Thanks Taiwan Microsoft for presenting Win10 IoT Core features—I have benefited from this meetup event. There will be more and more Win10 + RPi projects shown on instructables and the web site,” explained Docker co-organizer Philip Zheng.

Windows Development MVP Tung Shih-Ming agreed: "I learned a lot by participating in this open source community meetup. It was a great opportunity for me to network with open source community members. I look forward to having more cooperation in the future.”