Here's to #FridayFive and a Great Weekend!
#Ch9 Istanbual Azure Meetup Azure IoT Suite Bulumis: Microsoft Azure MVP Daron Yondem @daronyondem
#Ch9 GALs Interview with Sonja Madsen: Office Servers and Services MVP Sonja Madsen @sonjamadsen
#Ch9 MVP Thoughts: What Should Sharepoint Developers Focus on? Office Servers and Services MVPs Marc Anderson @sympmarc; Jennifer Mason @jennifermason; Fabian Williams @fabianwilliams; Corey Roth @coreyroth; Benjamin Niaulin @bniaulin Why It’s Okay to Let (Some) Users Walk Away From Your Online Community: Office Servers and Services MVP Becky Bertram @ beckybertram AppVeyor and ASP.Net Core (Previously ASP.Net 5): Visual Studio and Development Technologies MVP Shannon Deminick @Shazwazza