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We're snowed in… but I will be at most of my meetings thanks to Unified Communications

imageIt's a snow day here in the Redmond/Puget Sound area, which translated into road closures and a seven mile backup on Highway 520.  The connection had been lost to the WSDOT Seattle traffic cameras site (that's not a good sign) but comes up every now and then. On the television news, I saw that the traffic is still pretty bad there (see this link to TV news for local coverage).  I won't be driving to main campus today, and was impressed that a few brave (? ;) souls made it in (as Tweeted here).

But I'll be hard at work save a few diversions to clear the driveway and walks with one of the few snow shovels in the area, a vestige of by Canadian upbringing.  Thanks to the wonders of Microsoft Unified Communications, I have meetings throughout the day via phone and conference.  My office phone can ring through directly to my mobile or our home phone with a single mouse click, and I can even join my Live Meeting conferences via the web complete with video camera from my PC (but I think that I'll keep that feature turned off).

Now to the snow shovel (we own one of the few around) before my next meeting.

Tags: snow, Microsoft, Unified Communications.

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