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Talk to Mark Russinovich via the Springboard Series on September 24th

Mark RussinovichI just ran into Mark Russinovich (of Sysinternals fame) in the hallway and was reminded that on September 24th, he will host a virtual roundtable for IT pros worldwide to explore as I'm told "top of mind performance issues, common misconfigurations, and tips on how to fix them. From boot times and applets to disk performance and battery life, this is chance for IT pros to find out how to optimize Windows Vista and what they can do to improve overall system performance."

Tell your friends to save the date and join Mark on September 24th at  As posted previously, Mark has hosted these live Springboard Series virtual roundtables discussing issues such as Windows Vista security .

As part of the "virtual" experience, you may submit questions about performance and optimization to Mark and the rest of the panel live during the event, or submit questions in advance to

Also of note: Mark's Blog covering topics such as Windows troubleshooting, technologies and security.


Save the date! Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:00am Pacific Standard Time.  To learn more, visit the Springboard Series site.

Tags: Microsoft, User Account Control, UAC, Windows Vista, Mark Russinovich.

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