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Our new Microsoft Signature PC arrives, and I like what wasn't included in the shipment

IMG_3871As noted on Twitter, even Microsoft employees use the MicrosoftStore, especially when there's a sale on some of the latest PCs around. Needing to replace an older model (tried and true) Sony Vaio that is headed to the repair shop, I ordered a new PC from the Microsoft Store last week, a new HP Pavilion DM3-1044nr Entertainment Notebook PC.

Models available from several different computer vendors are available at the Store, each featured as a "Microsoft Signature PC, designed to help you get your new computer up and running more quickly and easily than ever before."

What the heck is that?

Well, Tom's Hardware said that the Microsoft Signature PCs "could be a step towards stomping out crapware – which we're all in favour of."

"Would you believe that it's Microsoft's own "Signature PCs" that are the ones most clean from the crapware? According to TechFlash, a certain line of PCs sold at the just-launched Microsoft Store in Scottsdale, AZ do away with the annoying pre-installed software and instead come with full versions of Windows Live services, Silverlight, Zune software and some of Adobe's popular online software. While some of that software could be debated as unwanted crapware, it's still a world of difference from the typical computer that one would buy from a large retailer."

Here are a few pictures of the OOBE (Out Of Box Experience) with the just-received new PC… you'll note the shiny stocker that enveloped the HP, and perhaps be as shocked as I was when I turned on the PC and happily found (gasp) no desktop full of pre-installed software.

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For me, this was a bonus: I use Windows Live apps, Silverlight and the Zune service, so all of these were welcomed. All in all, I was up and running much faster than ever before, not having to de-install a bunch of unwanted software, add-ins, tool bars or applets. In some instances, the applications are nice value ads, sometimes not. YMMV.

So far I've found the new HP to be snappy, responsive and rick-solid rock-solid, similar to that I'd read in several reviews in the likes of PC Magazine and here on Wired. I haven't put the reported long life battery to the test yet, but all indicators will be that it may survive some of my older mobile phones and powerful enough to run most demands that our household will likely throw at it.

(updated thanks to Michael Sainz today, 012310 ;)

Tags: Microsoft Store, Signature PC, twitter, Microsoft, Windows 7.

Clubhouse Tags: Clubhouse, how-to, Security, download.


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