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Joe Wilcox's post: Microsoft, Give Thanks

Of interest post-Thanksgiving, here's more for you to digest on Microsoft... courtesy of Joe Wilcox in his post Microsoft, Give Thanks!

"It's another Thanksgiving and 10 new reasons why Microsoft should be grateful. Like the past two years (here and here), I have complied Microsoft's what-to-be-thankful-for list."

I'm thankful for the 64-bit version of the Zune software. My personal favourite from Joe's list:

4. Windows 7 team. Microsoft's troupe responsible for Windows 7 has done remarkable work. Sure, much more is needed, but the progress is astounding considering the starting place: Windows Vista. PDC demos rocked, and the Engineering Windows 7 Weblog is setting new standards for Microsoft transparency. Somebody hit the reboot button on Vista and it came back Seven. Blogger, customer, enthusiast, journalist and partner responses are, so far (knock on wood), much better for Seven the pre-beta than Windows Vista with Service Pack 1.

Tags: articles, what I read, Microsoft, blogs.

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